life style

Building this luxury island cost a fortune, it will be without roads or cars

This luxury artificial island project should be built this year.Megalomania. The island of Sindalah is to extend over 840,000 square meters and is to...

This peaceful private island will give you total disconnection for less than 50 euros

Want wide open spaces, calm and disconnection? This is the perfect place!Are you tired of noise, pollution, the world, or even civilization? Would you...

Your IQ is high if you spot the different letter from "Y" in just...

If you think your observation skills are great, test them and try this visual puzzle. Be careful, you only have 20 seconds to find...

Nobody knows what it is, yet we see it on all French beaches

Do you know what this black thing with four hooks is that you can see on beaches in France?While walking on the beaches of...

Does your cat lick you? It's not because he loves you

Do you know why your cat licks your hands, feet or face?Do you think your cat licks your skin out of love? Have you...

What is the sexiest accent in the world? French dethroned

At first glance, you might think that the French accent is the sexiest in the world... But no!A hard blow for French chauvinism, which...

Only geniuses can find the carrot that is different from the others in this...

A carrot different from the others is hidden in this image. Can you find it in just a few seconds?In this little puzzle, you...

Croissant, pain au chocolat… Few people know it, but they are not French

Did you know that our pastries, a French emblem par excellence, did not come from France?“Yes yes croissant, baguette”, a foreigner would say to...

Few people know how to recognize them, yet everyone has already seen them at...

Few people know what this strange object is that is found on all the beaches of France.Do you know what this strange object could...

A leopard is hiding in this photo, you get 10/10 on both eyes if...

Take a good look at this photo of the savannah. A leopard hid there, ready to pounce to eat its prey. Will you be...

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