If you think your observation skills are great, test them and try this visual puzzle. Be careful, you only have 20 seconds to find the solution.

What if you took advantage of the long Easter weekend to play our little game of the week? If you thought you’d become an expert at visual challenges, you’ll definitely be surprised by the difficulty of today’s challenge, brought to you by British site Jagran Josh. And for good reason, you have to find a letter different from all the colored “Y”s present in this image. Of course, there is a limited amount of time to solve this little observation challenge. The condition to remember is to solve the exercise in less than 20 seconds. Be careful, the clock runs very quickly when you start this kind of little visual game.

These logic and observation tests are regularly used for the analysis and calculation of the intelligence quotient, the famous “IQ”. Only people with very precise vision will be able to distinguish the extra letter. However, this is more of a test of perceptual ability than of intellectual analysis.

You are ready ? All you have to do is program the timer on your watch or phone and start looking for the only letter different from all the other Ys. You have 20 short seconds to do so. The image to analyze is the one below:

Not easy because the different colors and the multi-colored appearance on a duller background tend to disrupt your vision and concentration. They hinder the ability to identify the small details of the image. Are you drying out? Here’s a little clue. The letter to find is an “X”, well hidden in the image. If you still haven’t found it, here’s a second clue. The mystery letter, an X, is located on the right side of the image.

Shall we move on to the solution? Here’s what to find in the image.

And yes, the little “X” was there, in the sixth column from the top and completely on the right. Experts agree that these visual challenges are excellent tools for energizing the brain, improving concentration and observation skills. Indeed, finding the different letter among the “Y”s is not just a question of IQ; it engages a multitude of cognitive skills, providing a complete workout for the mind. So, even if you haven’t found the solution, this little training will still have been useful. Maybe you will do better next time…