Few people know what this strange object is that is found on all the beaches of France.

Do you know what this strange object could be? Polystyrene? Plastic? Few people can identify the nature of this thing, rather white, the size of an adult hand, which washes up on most beaches in France. Because yes, despite the mystery, this object is widely visible in all regions of the country, brought back to the sand by the tides.

Let’s take a closer look at this strange little thing, hard, but brittle and able to float on the surface of the ocean before ending its course, very often, on the beach. Know that in addition to being intriguing, this natural object can be of great use to humans and especially… their pets! This is because it can provide calcium and other trace minerals that they need. We are mainly talking here about domestic birds and turtles.

But that’s not all ! This curious object – for the moment – unidentified, can also be reduced to powder and constitute a component of toothpaste. In its natural state, it can also be used around the home or garden as an abrasive to clean various surfaces. Given its porous, heat-resistant material on which it can easily be engraved, it is also possible to transform it into a sculpture and let its artistic fiber speak. Found along the beaches of France, these common objects are often scattered among pebbles and marine debris.

So, with all these clues, did you find what we were talking about in this article? It is of course… A cuttlefish bone, also called a sepion. A very practical shell for this mollusk, since it allows it to manage its level of buoyancy by filling it, or emptying it, with gas. Essential therefore, to float, sink, or maintain a depth level.

Edible, cuttlefish resembles a squid, although smaller and rounder. Its skeleton is made up of this single bone, which is therefore found on French beaches. And that it is possible to collect, as you now know, to provide birds, for example, with the calcium they need. Also note that cuttlefish bones are used in traditional Chinese medicines, particularly for their healing properties.

You won’t be able to go wrong from now on: the characteristic shape of cuttlefish bones makes them recognizable at first glance. Although often considered beach curiosities, cuttlebones play an important role in the marine ecosystem by also providing habitat for small organisms.