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I go to many hikes. Demanding hiking in terrain where I need to concentrate to tread properly. It is a delicious challenging. I like still not moments where the foot slides. The other day I was rarely sharp in his voice, almost angry, in the incipient horror of being stuck in unstable steinjord that could lead to precipices and misery on the loose. It loosened not, and it goes most often good.

Lill Sverresdatter Larsen in Sykepleierforbundet Show more

Sykepleiernes something sharp tone of travel advice and more open borders is just that, a nascent fear of being stuck in something that can lead to misery. It runs usually well, but it is worth listening to, so that we choose other routes.

the Nurses during people holiday. Nurses also want the holiday. Any holiday without the required curtailment due to coronasituasjonen.

Many nurses know still daily on the body, the psyche and the social life that the pandemic is not over. Health workers have been through a beintøff our. It is very easy to forget how serious this situation was only a few weeks ago. It is easier in the summer heat to overlook that there is still no available treatment or vaccine.

Increased travel leading to increased risk for infection. We have a good helsesystem, but it is underkommunisert where undersized health services is to deal with the normal situation, and even less a pandemic.

Intensivsykepleier Minna Marie Hagring at OUS Ullevål has told to the journal nursing service to be concentrated inside the patient, in full smittevernutstyr in long shifts without breaks.

Åndedrettsvernet and glasses gnagde on the skin, she got hurt in the forehead, behind the ears and on the nose. The equipment had to sit tight to protect against infection, but the nurses had to use rubber bands and tape to get it to sit tight enough. Insecurity related to the risk of infection, workload and smittevernutstyr did that Hagring and his colleagues began to dread to the next guard.

Now talking the nurses about still large increased workload justified in the backlog of treatment and services that were not completed in the spring, and that of temporary workers is very difficult to obtain.

Smittevernutstyr rasjoneres still. Helsesykepleiere and nurses in emergency care describes a larger increased workload because they have testing and smittesporing in addition to everything else. Intensivsykepleierne describes the pressure on the training of other occupational groups, in addition to the particularly demanding working days.

Invisible infection threatens Norway

We as a society are completely dependent on the nurses also after the summer holidays, for many of the nurses notices that they are not able to stand in the arbeidspresset large longer. We can not allow us to easily take on the risk of increased infection, and thus, the increased burden of an already overloaded helsesystem.

Vacation is a necessary good framforhandlet of the trade unions, and the Norwegian nurses ‘ association wish you a good holiday no matter where you are or travel. Testing both before and after the journey by respiratory symptoms is a required responsibility you must take on society’s behalf, regardless of whether it is an extra burden for the helsesystemene.

Remember smittevernregler no matter where you are. In our was the slogan: stay at home for us, we are on the job for you. If you in the summer not to keep you in your home, then we ask you to consider the summer at home in Norway or a country with low smitterate.

In the metaphor of hiking as we go as people all together in challenging and unknown terrain right now. The green moss can be treacherous and the foot can easily slip. In this terrain you should listen to experienced health care professionals, and nurses as key personnel in all the services are well worth listening to. As people we need to be focused, choose the right direction and right step.

health Professionals are here when you need us. Remember us also when we need you.

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