It is an incredible story: A young man from China, medical Reports, only “Mr Zhang” is named, had lost a bet. As a betting debt, he had made a rather rash promise: He’d swallowed a spoon. Betting debts are debts of honor, but if you are so unreasonable, you should make an exception! The fact is not Zhang. He swallowed the spoon.

in The kitchen consisted of stainless steel, the crushing or deforming. So the spoon was not even the way in stomach or digestive tract, but remained with the young man literally stuck in one’s throat: He slipped up in the lower area of the esophagus and remained there.

spoon remains in esophagus

stuck Surprisingly, Zhang hardly any problems with the foreign body. He felt a slight pressure in the chest, and sometimes had difficulty Breathing and eating, but apparently not enough to bring him to see Safirbet a doctor. He had forgotten the lost bet and the spoon after a couple of weeks already.

x-ray view into the Interior of the lung

However, after almost a year, Mr. Zhang received a push in the chest. Whether accidentally on the road, as a friendly gesture, or in the case of a quarrel, is not known. In any case, the man was ordered to pain in the throat and breathing problems.

Finally, he decided to go to the hospital, where the Doctors did in the study, x-ray. The result made the doctors speechless.

“I was very surprised. As a patient I had met before,” says the ENT specialist Yu Xiwu to “ABC News” the case. He Zhang was looking for in a hospital in Xinjiang. The doctor was quickly realized that the spoon had to get out. The distance was only in the context of a relatively complicated Operation. The intervention succeeded, and Mr. Zhang can again breathe freely and easily eat.

The distant spoon was wrapped in mucus and pus, and had triggered in the esophagus of the man is already an infection that had to be dealt with. The foreign body had not been removed, would have the can for Mr Zhang dangerous to life.
