How good is your sight? Can you read the number hidden in this picture? Error free and first time? Test yourself !

Do you see the hidden number in this picture? As a hint, we’ll say it’s made up of three digits, and the major pitfall is the last one. Your brain is suggesting a different number than what’s actually there, so many internet users with sight problems aren’t able to read this mysterious number correctly. And you, what do you see? Can you read the hidden number? This is a riddle reserved for those with eagle eyesight.

At first glance, you only see a background dotted with red, which looks like a blanket or even a carpet. But by squinting, we realize that there is indeed a hidden number, composed of three digits.

Answers such as 574, 420, 578, 573, or 575 are often offered. Some users saw no numbers there at all and argued that the correct answer would simply be “the red number”. And you ? What number did you see in the picture?

Before revealing the solution to the riddle, once again check which number you see in the picture. Is it a four? Or maybe a one? It seems that here too we are dealing with an optical illusion.

Many who commented on the chart were seeing a number that was made up of three digits, but the last one turned out to be the most problematic. The first two digits are 5 and 7, but what will be the last? The last camouflaged digit is a one. So the correct answer is: we see the number 571.