Optical games put our abilities to the test and what we offer you in this article challenges your sight: you have a limited time to find a different number from the others in the picture.

Concentration and speed are essential to identify what is asked of you – whether it is a letter, a number or an object – in record time. In this case, you will have to identify the number 335, the intruder among a series of identical numbers, in ten seconds. Are you ready to test yourself?

If you can make out the 335 in the middle of the repetitive series of 385s, you really have exceptional vision. The difficulty of the game is increased by the series of numbers repeated several times, which tire the eyes and make it difficult to distinguish and identify the differences. These tests, in addition to being fun, are simple but help keep our brains active and trained.

That said, let’s get to the game: as we said, the objective is to find the number 335 in the series of 385 in ten seconds or less. Focus well on the different columns. But if you can’t see it despite the time limit, don’t worry: it’s just a matter of practice. If you want to know where the number is, keep reading to find the solution.

Before revealing the solution to you, we would like to know if you have found it. Tell us everything and compare your result to that of our other readers by answering this survey.

The hidden number is in the second column from the right and in the penultimate row from the top. By refining your vision in this area and isolating the different numbers, you will see that it stands out from the rest.

If you didn’t make it this time, don’t be discouraged: by continuing to practice with these tests, you’ll improve your visual and cognitive skills, learn to understand details, even in confusing contexts, and improve your concentration. If, on the other hand, you made it in the first ten seconds, congratulations: you have real eagle vision!

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, these types of tests have been used in various sectors, from the assessment of cognitive skills to scientific research and psychology. Over time, they have been specifically developed for professions requiring high visual attention, such as piloting for example. Over the years, various experts have developed and refined these puzzles to offer an accurate assessment of certain specific skills, and many companies have used them when recruiting.