In these cities, new inhabitants are welcomed like kings…

Being paid to move, the idea can make more than one French person dream in this period of difficult access to property. Faced with rural exodus and desertification, municipalities or even countries have put in place incentive systems to counter this decline and try to revitalize their regions. And it can pay off big for the daring!

If you are looking for a quiet place to settle down, a change of life or you can, for example, work remotely, some of these destinations might appeal to you. From the United States to Sicily, from Switzerland to Chile, the proposals are numerous and the offers are food for thought. Here is the list of the most attractive destinations:

1. Greeks, in Spain

The exodus yes but not too far anyway? Rest assured, you don’t necessarily need to cross the planet to find what you’re looking for and benefit from large sums of money upon installation. In Spain for example, a pearl is hidden in the beautiful region of Aragon. Almost equidistant from the capital Madrid and the beaches of Valencia, why not settle in Griegos, a charming village, protected from the summer heat by its nearby mountains? The municipality assures that it can offer jobs to families wishing to settle down. She offers them eplus three months of free rent then moderate rents: 225 euros per month. Each child receives their share of reduction on this rent: 50 euros for one child.

2. Albinen, Switzerland

In Switzerland, subsidies reach a whole new level! You can receive up to 70,000 Swiss francs, or more than 73,000 euros, if you settle in the village of Albinen in Switzerland, present among the most beautiful villages in the country according to several rankings! Located in Valais, just a few kilometers from the upscale resort of Crans-Montana, Albinen, Arbignon in French, offers this pretty check… under conditions! You can receive 25,000 Swiss francs per adult and 10,000 francs per child but you agree to stay at least five years in the municipality. The town hall warned: “Albinen has no school, no bank, no post office, there is only one bistro, one store and one bus per hour. You have to anticipate this before coming and accept it once on site”, emphasized the mayor to RTS in April 2023.

3. Petralia Soprana en Sicile, en Italie

Ah the Italian Dolce Vita… Why not try the adventure and enjoy the landscape of one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, Petralia Soprana in Sicily? Faced with the rural exodus which threatens the village, particularly in winter, the local authorities have offered subsidies of 5,000 euros for those wishing to settle. Better still, Sambuca di Sicilia, also in Sicily and which still has more than 6,000 inhabitants, sells houses at the unbeatable price of… one euro! Please note, for this low price you agree to finance the renovation of the house within three years and to pay a deposit of 5,000 euros.

4. Candela in Italy

If you prefer mainland Italy, you should know that a town near Naples, Candela, offers hard cash to new arrivals: 800 euros for a single person, 2,000 euros for families who settle in all year round. in a house built before 1991 and able to provide proof of employment.

5. In Vermont, United States

Has the American dream always appealed to you? If the great outdoors doesn’t scare you, if you love the local specialty maple syrup, the state of Vermont is for you. This state has established a subsidy program. It targets remote workers. A file must be completed online. After moving, depending on where you live, eligible people can receive up to $7,500. If you’re worried about homesickness, know that the capital of Vermont is called Montpelier (yes with just one “l”). Enough to have a little taste of the South…

6. Curtis in Nebraska, United States

Are you more interested in the Midwest and the Great Plains? Why not go with Nebraska? Several small towns have implemented aid programs in recent years, including the town of Curtis. The land was even offered to the pioneers of the program while construction aid is also offered in this small town of 900 inhabitants. The state of Nebraska specifies that sums of money are also paid when children enroll in public schools.

7. In Chile, but only for entrepreneurs

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a brilliant idea but are having trouble convincing people to follow you in this project? Why not try your luck in Chile? The country has launched a large subsidy program to try to attract start-ups to the country. For those looking to start their business there, the Build program offers $14,000 in grant funding and a one-year resident visa to successful applicants. And if you have already launched your business, the country offers to domicile it in Chile for a contribution of $30,000.