Norovirus causes diarrhea and vomiting. Here you can read more on infection, symptoms and treatment of infection with noroviruses.

A Norovirus infection are sudden Nausea caused diarrhoea and vomiting. Also abdominal pain and fatigue are typical symptoms of a gastrointestinal disease caused by norovirus. The body temperature may be slightly elevated, usually, however, there is a high fever.

In General, the acute symptoms subside after one to two days.

How norovirus is transmitted

The viruses are excreted in the stool or the vomit of the people . They can be transmitted via smear infections from person to person. But also food and drinks – such as contaminated water are a possible source of infection. the Sufferers are extremely contagious , even up to 48 hours after symptoms have resolved.

Increased risk of Infection, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, in community facilities, such as hospitals, kindergartens and old people’s homes. the the detection of The virus is to be reported . The most frequently children under the age of 5 and older people over 70 suffer accordingly.

treatment for Norovirus infection

In the case of a suspected Norovirus infection in the home doctor is the right person. Important to the high fluid and electrolyte loss, especially, again balance . In severe cases, medical help is important. Especially infants and the elderly need to drink plenty of liquids. In addition, Norovirus-gentle on patients and stay in bed.

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how to protect yourself from norovirus

A preventive vaccine against norovirus infection. Also specific effective antiviral drugs are not available. to prevent a Norovirus infection, Hygiene is absolutely necessary . Wash hands after using the toilet or after contact with vomit are particularly important. When vomiting also toilets, sinks, or clothing may be contaminated with norovirus.

Used cleaning rags should be disposed of or in the washing machine at high temperature of 90 degrees Celsius and washed. the Dirty Laundry , collect in a closed container and at the highest possible temperatures, Wash. A commercially available detergent is sufficient. the surfaces and objects , used by the Sick should be disinfected in any case, after the disappearance of the symptoms thoroughly. Ill persons should prepare a food .

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things to know about norovirus

norovirus were discovered in 1972, according to the RKI also new forms of pathogens are always found again. the they are very resistant to environmental influences , such as temperature fluctuations and can stay for longer than twelve days on contaminated surfaces contagious.

again and again, it also comes to outbreaks on cruise ships. The cause might not just be the confined space, on which the traveller’s life, but also the food : On such vessels, often food, such as salads and seafood.

In the Mett-Bread danger lurking : you can accommodate this dangerous Virus.


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