lent starts on 6. March but already in January, many start to old vices in the fight against – about the alcohol. But what is a waiver that really makes?

It’s something: From the 6. March to 18. April 2019, the almost time is in many places. But also the Start of the new year, some of the waiver prior to take – no alcohol and/or cigarettes and/or, optionally, no sweets or white flour. Finally, every second German finds the waiver of (unhealthy) beverages for a certain period of time good as a DAK-survey has revealed.

alcohol waiver relieves the liver and the spirit

Who omits, for example, the cherished evening beer will do at the beginning, although hard, but in the end it will thank him for his body. the especially the liver, the benefits of an alcohol break at the most . Finally, it is responsible for beer, wine & co. mined and the contained toxins are eliminated.

Because research has shown that even small amounts of alcohol the liver as well as other life-damaging important organs such as the brain. The reason for this is: alcohol is regarded as a cell poison – the higher the consumption, the more harmful it is . Therefore, an alcohol-abstinence for a few weeks is not only advisable, but gives the liver enough time to regenerate. “Within two months, can be formed by an absolute abstinence also detectable damage to the liver, such as alcohol-related inflammation or fatty liver back ,” Georg Poppele, Chairman of the working group qualified withdrawal in Internal medicine of the professional Association of German internists to Focus Online.

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alcohol can fasting pounds and improves sleep

It will even give another reason, the almost the end certainly love to hear – and it makes it easier to forgo the glass of wine in the evening: You. Finally, beer and wine are very rich in content: Whoever omits this saves calories and does not have to fight then, with cravings to Oily . In addition, research has shown that many people can even better and deeper (a) .

A survey conducted by the University of Sussex that can’t improve a dry month, only sleep, but also has better skin and more energy .

however, if you want to lose weight fast and yet, it is allowed to treat yourself to a glass of wine. But also only a certain variety. Because it is only to make you lean.

But be careful: A short-term waiver is not intended to be a free ride, then, as much to drink if even more. Instead, it is recommended by Doctors, at least the evening beer or glass of red wine in the evening be twice the week . Do your body and sleep well.

DAK-study : Forsa survey shows that fasting is becoming increasingly popular.

also read : vodka Bull about the same effect as cocaine? The want to now, researchers have found.


Crass: Seven User-set alcohol-withdrawal – happened