“Pasture”, “more space” or “small group” – with such promotional messages and matching the idyllic image are lured customers in the Shop who want to buy with a clear Conscience meat. However, the messages rarely is reliable.

Munich (dpa/tmn) – When buying Meat, customers must note that the can be advertising messages in the trade is often misleading. On the consumer point to the Central.

According to nationwide samples of 17 supermarkets and discounters, the Tester of a confusing game. So providers advertise, according to the often idyllic picture, and advertising slogans such as “Grazing”, “more space” or “small group”. So you can also get baits that you want to buy with a clear Conscience meat. But the messages are seldom reliable and traceable.

terms protected legally

So the packaging was a pork minute steak in the sample, a photo with free running pigs. The mark shown attitude is testimony to the level 1, however, corresponded to only the statutory minimum standard the Housing.

With such Marketing Tricks would a consumer duped. Your expectation of meat from supposedly better animal husbandry has not been met, criticized the Verbraucherzentrale Bayern. Terms such as species-appropriate, animal-friendly, or animal welfare are not yet legally protected, and would be arbitrarily used.

Currently, there is only in the case of poultry, written EU marketing standards. Terms such as “extensive indoor”, “free range”, “traditional free range” and “traditional free range – unlimited space to” be clearly defined. You write exactly how much space the animals have, how big is your outlet and how they are fed.

Planned national animal welfare Label

Such requirements for stables, Transport and slaughter also provides for the Federal Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU) planned new animal welfare license plate. The state Label is expected to come from 2020, first for pig meat in the trade. It is planned in three stages, each with increasing requirements: In the first Label grade of the pigs should therefore have 20 percent more space in the barn as required by law. This means, for example, for an animal with 50 to 110 kg of 0.9 instead of 0.75 square meters.

Additional requirements relate to, among other things, to spout, as well as straw, hay or sawdust as an employment of material instead of many of the usual chains and plastic balls. Piglets should be at least 25 days as required by law at least 21 days of lactation in the mother. Transport to the slaughterhouse are allowed to take a maximum of eight hours permitted by law for up to 24 hours. Are planned arrangements for regular checks. In order to make the new Logo, is a planned advertising campaign for 70 million euros.

environmental and consumer advocates, and the Opposition complained that the rules for farmers should not be mandatory.

the Start-up of the state Logos in 2020, several supermarket chains in April, a meat-want to start the labelling for the maintenance of the form. The four-stage System starts already with the statutory Standard.

Overview of the concepts of the welfare

Overview of animal welfare-Labels