According to ADAC, a wild accident occurs every 2.5 minutes in Germany. However, not everyone knows how to behave then. We make it clear to you.

Munich – It usually happens in seconds: A wild animal crosses the roadway, the motorist can avoid a collision – there is a crash. How to behave after a wild accident at the best, many do not know often. Because in order to get later the damage reimbursed by insurance, there are several things to consider.

wild accident: should I call the police?

“You should always notify the police,” says Stefan Sunday by Munich police headquarters in an Interview from 2010. This is important, because the officials, for a fee, issue a so-called wild accident-certificate . Some insurance companies will reimburse this amount. The certificate is later an important proof for a wild accident.

“If the police was there, the Chance is greater, that you get regulated to the damage,” explains Sunday. This has a touch of Wild the vehicle and fled after that, you can also go directly to the station. The police agreed also to the competent hunter. The insurance company must inform itself – and to do so immediately.

go Wild: How is it with traces and witnesses?

blood or Hair marks on the car, you must not : remove the animal ran away, these marks are often the only evidence of a wild accident. The police are holding you or the motorists photographed themselves.

“tools are worth Gold,” added Sunday. This is especially true if the has not Wild caught the car – so when the driver swerved, and, for example, to a tree is hit. As a General rule, the following applies: there Is no proof for a wild accident – be it a dead or injured animal, tracks on the vehicle or witnesses, there is no money from the insurance company.

What should I do with the wild animal?

happened to be a wild accident, it is the same again keep calm. Sunday is what to do: “First of all, pull to the right, the accident, a safety vest to put on and the hazard lights turn on.”

car insurance : what time is results in full insurance no longer make sense?

The ADAC warns to download the dead animal in the trunk: This is poaching and is punishable by law . The police advises motorists to even touch the animal. “A wounded Fox can bite a wild boar is very aggressive,” explains Sunday. Should the spaces in the Wild can only of the road when it is safe to do so – that is, if the motorists safe on the road can move.

deer, Fox & co.: What are the animals covered by the insurance?

The part of hull insurance does not every “animal” damage to the car. Money there are for accidents with hair wild – boar, ROE deer, deer, foxes, Martens and rabbits.

a pheasant Flutters into the car, waving from the insurance most of the time. Also in the case of domestic animals such as cows, dogs and sheep, it looks bad. But according to Christopher pike from the ADAC, the owner of the pet is liable for this damage.

wild accident: when should I Dodge?

“In General, we advise against excessive evasive maneuvers,” says pike. Was brakes. ” Better controlled Bouncing as uncontrolled dodging “, is the motto of the ADAC. “A spectacular evasive maneuvers à la moose test is usually wrong and leads to more severe consequences of an accident as the wild accident.” In the case of an emergency, experts advise to hold the steering Wheel to drive straight and brake.

interesting : Mrs. coyote runs over and experienced then, a giant Surprise.

in addition, the insurance provides afterwards the question, whether evasive action was justified and whether you can prove the wild accident at all. Who put a Bunny on the tree or in the oncoming traffic, has bad cards, to get the damage refunded. And who is lying because of a Badger in a full braking has a part to blame, if the runs up behind the man, warns Sunday.

animal friends, it is belching sour to Wild “hit on purpose”. However, if you look at the animal after the collision of jumping, “is it mostly internal injury, and perish in it”, says Jürgen Vocke, President of the Bavarian hunting Association.

I Can scare away the animal?

you can See an animal in the distance, braking is the most Important. The ADAC advises also to honk the horn and stop down – for strong spot light makes wild animals disoriented . “Honking is never wrong,” says Stefan Sunday by the police. You can also try the wild animal to rock the boat with the flasher. In addition, one should expect the stragglers – so slowly ride on, or pull to the right. “Wildlife is unpredictable,” says Sunday.

also read : damage freedom class – how do I avoid a downgrade?

when should Kaçak Bahis I expect with wild animals?

“autumn is the classic wild accident-time,” says Andreas Hölzl from the ADAC. The animals are looking for food or new amount, because you have lost the old covering places often by the corn crop. Especially in the evening and morning twilight, the risk is substantially – i.e. approximately between 5 and 8 a.m., and 17 and 22 at .

Overview of the rutting and Mating seasons of various wild animals

wild animal

at the beginning of the Mating seasons

at the end of the mating period




fallow deer















raccoon dog



ROE deer



deer (venison)



feral (wild boar)






wild cat



wild rabbit



wild accident: What can I do for prevention?

“Better slow than Wild”: With this Slogan, the ADAC calls on the motorists to take their foot off the Gas, especially in the forest. Hölzl also stops to take note of the warning signs to the wild exchange.

According to the ADAC, there were in 2009 around 250,000 collisions with wild animals in Germany. In the 3,000 transport injured participants and 27 killed. Hundreds of thousands of animals were run over. But the number of unreported cases is high. How important it is to prevent a wild accident, shows a study by the ADAC. At Tempo 60 the impact weight of a Rehbocks is, therefore, to the of a cow. A wild boar, hits the car like a Rhino, and a deer is to an elephant.

find the most important information on the subject of wild accident, again in a nutshell.

Regina Kaindl

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