most of us are doing it around the age of 65: the kantoordeur definitely shut it and retire. In the category of a pension, we will ask retirees for their lives after a paid job, they have been looking forward to this or not? It is able to make ends meet, and where will all this new free time, want to go? This week: the Lady from the Hill, happy at work, despite health problems.

the Lady on the Hill (65) < / b> pension : in the current state pension date: the following seven months.
Where: Zaandam < / b> When: , 43 works.

“Yes. And that, in spite of my health problems. I am very happy with it. About thirty years ago, there was a brain or a heart attack, is still a showstopper; it was the end of the story. I’ve been fortunate, in spite of my limitations, to be able to work! Up to age fifty, I was in excellent health, and neglected me for years, not a few days, but then it started to malfunction.”

“I was a flight attendant, but when the business class with free booze, it was introduced, I had no interest in.”

He at (65)

“I had a stroke and will, therefore, have a problem with my short-term memory. It was always very, very good. In my work, I processed a lot of information about it and I knew exactly how it was. I had to learn on my memory to rely on. In 2012, I was having a heart attack and you arent rechterarmbiceps, and early urinary incontinence. I am lucky to have a great boss!”

“and Now in the city, in the past it is NOT. I am a senior management consultant. I spent some time as a KLM flight attendant and worked as a conscientious objector against military service, I had to have six months in service. But it was a lot more interesting than it is on bikes go, I’ve found. I was working at a childrenís home, and as a guard in the city. After that, I went to work as a KLM flight attendant in the golden age of aviation!”

“Planes were not as common as it is now, and he is only very. Then I stayed for a week in rome or a week in Nairobi, waiting for the plane to return. I saw a lot of the world. But it wasn’t much fun. When the business class with free booze, it was introduced, I had no interest in. My female colleagues were harassed, and when I was a drunken passenger in an almost unconscious beat, I thought to myself: I think I need to stop.”

“From the age of 50, began with the malfunction of: a heart stroke, ruptured biceps, and urinary incontinence.”

will He < / p>

“oh, Yes, I went to work in the GA, where I was still sitting. That is, the BODY has become. I’m one of the few with a private room instead of a desk in the office. A garden is a really good one for me. I could have easily put that in my memory was less. There are plenty of people who are mentally able to process, and the WIA inzeilen. I didn’t want to. My brain must really work.”

“I have made business cards with the stickers. If there is, then someone called me and I wasn’t sure what it was about, I picked up as a folder there. A quick read through, and then I remembered. I had to be very organized to work. In October, I am a 29-hour work. What an amazing surprise! Sometimes I have Friday and Monday free. This is just a mini-break!”

‘ I beware of my kleinzoontjes. That’s what I did when I was a full-time work. My daughter and son-in-law to work for four days and they took half a day off to go. I’m my own grandpa’s never been experienced. That generation went on just a bit before death. In social terms, it is a world of difference: the children are growing up with their grandfather’s and grandmother’s out there for them. It was a lot of fun. They are now 2.5 and almost 5, and I’ve also got a very cute little granddaughter!”

“A new phase of break in. I’m going to go to Osnabrück to move. I like a lot of walking, peace and quiet, and that I could find. I am fluent in English. I will hire a driekamerflat and for that, I’m going to do the same. I live alone and don’t want to held anymore. So I have the freedom to back away if you are not satisfied with. The ICE takes three hours, so that I can continue to recover.”

“I want to, per se, until my retirement, because I want my brain to be left behind. That will be a part of loss when I have a day at the office to solve problems. I want to be able to write, and I read a lot. And I’m going to Germany in search of a male. Low bass is always in need!”