cars of Mercedes are considered to be a status symbol, and many drivers would love to own one. But what if you have no money for it? Fortunately, there are hobbyists.

Many car owners dream to have a Mercedes. Often it fails but on the money. You could now start saving and in a couple of years, finally the dream car to buy – or to the tool, and tinkering with his car.

driver transforms Renault Megane in Mercedes

For the latter method, has chosen a man from the UK. As the British news portal Sun reported, was discovered in a Renault Megane in Mercedes-fairing in a Parking lot. Pictures of it were posted on Facebook.

To see a red Megane with a typical radiator grille of the Mercedes, including the Logo. Also, the spotlight has dealt with the owner. Around the lights he has mounted “diamonds”, in order to achieve a luxury Look – with more or less success. In order to make the Illusion of “perfect”, attached to the driver at the trunk of a Mercedes star.

But the appearance of the “ Mercedes Megane ” was not the worst mistake of the car owner. The car was also inclined to a disabled Parking space. A disabled badge is not, at least see on the photos.

did you get caught as the wrong Parker?

also read: What this Tesla driver at full speed, the power, shocked.


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