Every year, on the 3rd Thursday of November, Beaujolais Nouveau is celebrated. By dint of marketing escalation, we wonder if we should always celebrate this event. Here are some good reasons to be convinced.

It’s been a while since you’ve seen your friends again, since you’ve gone out with your colleagues? The arrival of Beaujolais Nouveau sounds like a good pretext. You will be able to criticize, or appreciate the new harvest.

That’s it, autumn is here, confirmed by all these dead leaves that populate the roads and sidewalks. The time change brings night from 5 p.m., humidity and depression await you. The arrival of this primeur wine gives you the opportunity to go out during the week!

This year, the Beaujolais, you are going to celebrate it, but in your own way! Tired of these evenings that no longer look like anything, of an increasingly bad Beaujolais, of wondering what we’re doing there, leaning on the counter of this seedy bar which has put out corny ads to celebrate “the event of the year: the Beaujo Nouveau has arrived”?

And if this year you organized a counter-evening by inviting friends at home for a Candlemas before the hour? Otherwise it would seem that it is the great return of raclette evenings, it is in any case what is said on the site Desencyclopedia.

Every year, it’s the same story: “It has a banana aftertaste in the mouth, doesn’t it?” “You can smell all the aroma of strawberries! I read that it smells of blackcurrant…” Tonight, get everyone to agree and, once a year, apply the good nutritional advice of Ministry of Health while eating. With all those who make up Beaujolais Nouveau, you will find your 5 fruits and vegetables in the evening without worry.

Year after year, the release of Beaujolais has taken such a place in the hearts of the Japanese that the Japanese archipelago has become the leading export country for this primeur. Why not give it a try by leaving your usual wine shop for dinner in a Japanese restaurant. Plan ahead: bring your bottle with you in case the restaurateur doesn’t offer any on the menu…

Getting rich from the terroir, maintaining tradition… The French love parties and anniversary dates: this year, it will be 64 years since the Beaujolais Nouveau appellation was created. Not a round number but whatever!

After an evening talking about this famous November wine, no more excuses for not passing a faultless quiz specifically dedicated to Beaujolais Nouveau. You can also try it before the said evening…Remember that alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health and must be consumed in moderation.


Our special Beaujolais wine guide