Prove your visual acuity! Can you find the hidden tomato among the cherries in 9 seconds? Show us what you’re capable of!

These cherries are real little buggers. For what ? Because they hide a single tomato among them. The challenge for puzzle fans is to spot it in just nine seconds!

Those who succeed are said to have a remarkable faculty of observation. Can you solve the riddle within the time limit and find the tomato? In this picture, it’s a real crowd of fruits. Whether singly, in pairs or in trios – there are cherries everywhere you look. Somewhere among them hides a tomato – but where?

Word of advice: don’t try to take in the whole picture. Quickly but carefully go through the different groups of cherries. Start your phone’s timer and stop after 9 seconds, whether you’ve found… or not! Let’s go…

You found ? Post a comment on our Facebook to challenge your friends by clicking here. Time’s up and you still haven’t been able to find that famous tomato? So here’s the solution to the riddle: take a look at the bottom left quarter of the picture – it’s hiding behind a lone cherry and a group of three cherries.

Visual challenge games where you have to find a hidden object stimulate observation skills, attention to detail and concentration, cognitive skills essential in everyday life. In addition, they provide fun entertainment and can serve as a means of relaxation, providing a sense of satisfaction when one manages to find the hidden object.