At the hotel, certain habits should be banned, according to a chambermaid.

Hotel staff see it all. And chambermaid – or man – is far from being a trivial profession. Often physical, sometimes poorly paid, this profession requires rigor, resistance to stress, attention to detail and… a lot of patience. Especially since you have to know how to deal with the lack of good manners, or even downright respect, of certain customers who are not very concerned about the fate of the little hands in the hotel industry. Because at the hotel, you don’t feel like you’re at home.

In France, there are 17,405 hotels for a total of 651,944 rooms. And so many rooms to clean, store and organize for the staff of these establishments. In 2022, it is estimated that more than 210 million nights will be booked by French people in France, according to INSEE figures. Inevitably, among these experiences, there are some bad experiences, particularly among the chambermaids and housekeepers.

The American version of the Huffpost site has listed some of these mishaps, recounted by hotel staff. From these observations, several things emerge that you should definitely not do when you stay in one of these establishments, in France or abroad. Because some guests adopt a careless attitude towards hotel property, sometimes deliberately damaging amenities such as televisions, furniture or toiletries. These disrespectful behaviors test the patience of hotel staff and can result in material and human costs.

The first rule to follow at the hotel for the maid interviewed by Huffpost is clear: stop constantly leaving the inscription “Do not disturb” on the handle of your door, often used for her own peace of mind – or when do we have things to reproach ourselves for? “Maybe customers think that when we don’t clean the room it’s easier for us, but when a room goes two or three days without cleaning it’s very dirty,” says this employee of a hotel in San Francisco, United States.