David Matheson was one of the most famous “Gay therapist” in the USA. Until something happened, which nobody would have expected.

New York – David Matheson has provided it with a Facebook Post for a real Bang in the United States. Because the 57-Year-old outed himself in this way, as gay. This openness requires a lot of courage – in the case of Matheson, in particular, because he is as a so-called “Gay therapist” fame. More than 20 years, the “intellectual godfather of the conversion therapy” to gay attempted sexual same-sex love to exorcise.

But then, Matheson stated that he feels attracted to men. “A year ago, I realized that I should change something Essential in my life,” begins his Post: “I was aware that I had to end my marriage and that it was time to come out to me as gay.” Although he was satisfied to live together with his wife, he was about 30 years of marriage,. But: “I’ve already made experiences with men, but mostly in the Background. But sometimes it was so intense that my marriage was in trouble.“

The word “divorce” as a companion in the shower

Already a few years ago have changed for him in the live together with his wife a lot. “The differences in our personalities shaped more and more. Through this dynamic of our relationship has been tense and difficult.“ It had also become clear that he wanted to engage in intimacies with other men: “these were not easy decisions. I had to use the word ‘divorce’ in the shower, to recite, to overcome my shame and the courage.“

It had been a months-long struggle, if he could indulge in a relationship with a man. His firm Convictions, he would have had to overcome – for example, that same-sex unions are a sin.

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Matheson threaten criticized for exploitation of his Coming-Out

Matheson discussed, like his Coming Out of various Camps will be used. “For the ‘Right’ am I an existential threat, which should be kept small. The ‘Left’ see a way to exploit me, as a bomb, you must throw the ‘homophobic Ex-Gay’.“

He explained that he had helped with his work as a “Gay therapist” to many people – “because you told me that. But I’ve sure hurt some people.“ He did not want to excuse his behavior by saying, “but my shortcomings as a therapist came by my limited perspective in favor of the ’emotional health’. This is due to my own homophobia and narrow-mindedness.“ For all this, he apologizes.

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“to a lot of homophobia in me,”

Surprisingly Matheson admits, to carry even after his Coming Out “to a lot of homophobia in me.” He was more tolerant than six years ago, at the beginning of a Dialogue in a group, among the homosexual therapist. That they would have accepted him in spite of his ignorance, admire it.

Of his Coming Out, he hoped that other people will take courage, their real feelings to live and to follow your path without fear or shame – “regardless of what others think about it”.

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“therapies, can change sexual orientation”

Meanwhile, Matheson rejects his earlier work. In an Interview with “Channel 4 News” he said that these conversion therapies would hurt people and should be stopped. “I reject the idea that therapy could not change sexual orientations because of the work,” he added.

Matheson in 2004, was opened eight years after the beginning of his therapists career a clinic to convert Gays in New Jersey. In 2013, he brought to his guide to “Becoming a Whole Man” (“A whole man”) on the market. The book is intended to help with “unwanted homosexuality”.

Via Facebook has thanked Matheson now for the many encouraging reactions. He also refers the Situation to his Ex-wife. She was the Person who had been hurt by his Coming Out “in the most personal way”. Therefore, he asks for it, even cheer you up – “so she knows that she is loved and is not forgotten”.

