Médiapart and Cheek published an investigation in which six women accuse actor Edouard Baer of sexual assault and harassment this Thursday. The actor apologized, saying he did not “recognize himself in the words and gestures attributed to him.”

Edouard Baer is the subject of accusations of sexual violence in a long investigation by Médiapart and Cheek published this Thursday, May 23. Six women, aged around twenty at the time of the reported events, accuse the 57-year-old actor of sexual assault or sexual harassment which allegedly occurred between 2013 and 2021. The two media nevertheless specify that No complaint has been filed against the actor to date.

In detail, the two online media report dated testimonies which would have mainly occurred in a professional context, mainly in the theater or on the radio. The journalists detail a 5-month long investigation and around fifty testimonies.

One of the women who testified against Edouard Baer says that the actor would have complimented her on “her very pretty nipple” despite her protests before grabbing her “her left breast in his hand”, when a production manager in a theater says that he “touched her breasts several times” while he was drunk in his dressing room, before “putting his hand on her buttocks” a few hours later. Another accuses Edouard Baer of having tried to kiss her on the neck and on the mouth, one says she was bitten on the arm. 

Contacted by Médiapart and Cheek, Edouard Baer did not respond to each of the accusations against him. However, he assured that he “did not recognize himself in the words and gestures attributed to [him]”. If he assures that he has not heard back from the women who accuse him of going too far, he nevertheless wanted to express his “regrets” to know that his behavior could have “made people uncomfortable or hurt these women.   I did not have the intelligence to perceive it. I am deeply sorry. I never tried to offend them intentionally.