A European airline company was elected for the umpteenth time to the last place in customer satisfaction – for the sixth Time in a row.

Europe’s largest low-cost airline Ryanair has flights to a British survey shows that, from the customer’s point of view, the worst Airline for short haul. Passengers from the UK were with the Boarding, seat comfort, and food and beverage offer to be dissatisfied. The Irish society is the sixth year in a row in the survey, the consumer organisation “Which?”.

Ryanair worst Airline – never again with Ryanair

fly” Many of the 7901 passengers said that they “would never fly again with Ryanair”. Passengers were also annoyed because of the many cancelled flights, delays, and changed the baggage rules. A Ryanair spokeswoman criticised the survey as “totally highly unrepresentative” , because the prices had not been taken into account.

The low-cost airline that had been locked for a long time, against the unions, was hit in 2018, from the strike waves in Europe. Flight cancellations were the result, the passenger growth was less than hoped for.

Badly the British Charter airline Thomas Cook Airlines and the Hungarian sections of the survey to the short-haul flights from the UK cheap Airline, Wizz Air. The best score got the small Regional airline, Aurigny (Guernsey, channel Islands) , immediately behind it, followed Swiss Airlines .

interesting need to know : What holiday makers to go on strike with Ryanair.


Airlines & flight attendants