After “Yes” is married the Anscheiden the wedding cake a very special Moment for fresh. For a bride, the romantic Ritual turned suddenly to a true Drama.

The Cutting of the wedding cake tipped the mood of Celebration completely. The bride broke out in tears. The Reason: The Cake. Now the police are investigating.

The Drama happened at the wedding celebration of Shine Tamayo (26) and Jhon Chen (40), such as the British news website Metro reported. The young Couple wanted to marry in the Philippines and had commissioned for this most beautiful day of your life extra a wedding planner. For decoration and eat the bride had paid for few therefore even of 140,000 Pesos, almost 2400 euros.

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To belonged Nasty Surprise at the wedding cake

the Wedding package, a wedding cake, two-storied, red-glazed and decorated with Gold. From the outside of the cake made under the colorful frosting is probably powerful something. But inside, the magnificent piece was only made of Styrofoam. The wedding cake was inedible.

For the bride-to-be was the wrong cake, a real shock. “In my whole life, I’ve never been so humiliated,” says the bride to the Metro. And further: “This should be one of my best memories of my entire life. Instead, it is the worst.“

wedding ruined – the police

freshly baked wife flowed abundant tears. But then handed it to the Couple, they went to the police and showed the wedding planner.

The officials were able to convince themselves of the fake cake. Now the police are investigating fraud against the Wedding. The Catering lady the threat of a court procedure.

“The woman we paid for the food, ruined my wedding. She’s a liar,“ Shine Tamayo at Metro.

in advance of the wedding ceremony, the bride-to-be have not a good feeling. Always have the planner had demanded money from her. Because you have yourself desired a perfect wedding, you’ve paid, however.

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