The cost for the renovation of the Deutsches Museum have recently rocketed. Now the state has decided: It may not exceed 150 million euros more than planned output.

Update 8. May 2019: , The free state of Bavaria urges the General renovation of the German Museum on a cap on the cost at 150 million euros. “The” Deutsche Museum ” is an internationally highly acclaimed and extremely popular research Museum, its renovation must succeed. With a Cost cap of 150 million euros of additional costs is required, the Museum is now developing scenarios on how the rehabilitation can be successfully brought to the end,“ said Minister of science Bernd Sibler (CSU). “About the breakdown of the additional costs, I’m with the Federal government in intensive talks.” First of all, 445 million euros had been recognized for the Work. Of which 180 million euros were granted by the Federal government and the country. Now the talk is of almost 600 million euros. Reasons include rising construction costs, but also the unforeseen difficulties with the historic fabric of the building. In the meantime, for the rehabilitation of competent architecture firm is insolvent.

The German Museum said that it was pleased with the implicit message that additional funds could be made available to the modernization to continue. “We will deal, as before, carefully and responsibly with the available tax funds,” it said. The insolvency of the architect and the resulting delays guarantor further cost risks. With a view on the ceiling, you revised the original plans. Several variants were designed, to be presented to the Board of Directors meeting at the end of June. Whether the problems have an impact on the planned completion of the refurbishment in 2025, the Museum.

Sabine Dobel

cost explosion in the German Museum: It is about many millions of Euro

original message, 7. February 2019: The invitation came as harmless as possible. To “information visit” in the German Museum of the science Committee of the Landtag, was charged on Wednesday. “A Snack is provided” as is, plastered all caring on page 1 of the documents. The following 198 pages, and the appointment itself were, however, less palatable. The redevelopment of the Museum, the members have been taught, financially out of control.

In the worst case, the Museum is devouring hundreds of millions of euros more. In the past, the remediation was considered in the case of operation as a complex. The building is a protected monument, the embankment walls of the river Isar, had to be replaced. On the 35 000-square-meter construction site, there were setbacks – a bomb, asbestos. Always the management of the Museum of language, but faithful-hearted of cost to be 450 million Euro.

+ Optimistic client: Wolfgang M. Heckl 2015 on the site of the German Museum.©Klaus Haag

This sum is covered, the Federal government and the state share the lion’s share, with the addition of 40 million from private donors. In the documents, the existence of our Newspapers, are, however, very different Numbers. There, the Museum formulated three scenarios. A: You need 75 million euros, and opened the Museum in its entirety until 2024. B: It is built until the money runs out, the entrance is not moved and the second section left semi-finished. C: The second section in the Northern part is not even started, 120 millions remain. The Museum advises little surprising to variant A.

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returns the disparity is Especially glaring: The audit reports are one and a half years old. By the end of 2017, the art Ministry, informed the state President in writing, to keep construction cost of 520 million euros is realistic. Which way this Information went in the Parliament, is unclear. The Public were deprived of in the two election years 2017/18 the Numbers. Apparently intentionally: In the case of construction Site tours in the summer of 2018 failed to mention the Director of the Museum, Wolfgang Heckl, the number. As of the end of January, Finance Minister Albert Füracker and the new Minister of science Bernd Sibler (CSU) visited the Area, they named no sum.

In the Parliament threatens to considerable Trouble. The costs are rising: In an oral presentation to the Committee have been called now 598 million euros, according to several members. The Greens call for a quick decision in principle in the Parliament. “Here we can let the CSU-Ministry of science no longer in their shirtsleeves continue to muddle along,” says Verena Osgyan. The information policy was “not acceptable”.

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The new Committee-chief Robert Brannekämper (CSU) says, it would cost more, he had expected to be. “Without money it will not go.” Unsatisfactory is, however, that you do not receive an invoice, “you know, if it is already the end of the flagpole”.

Internally, it is said, with the Budget it could be a massive hassle. In Bavaria would come to the most recent estimates, at least 80 million euros of additional costs, the current two-year budget was balanced only with a large handle in the rear position. Whether the Federal mitzahlt at all, is open. To negotiate “for some time”, Minister of Sibler.