Without large detours for shopping or to the airport-S-Bahn: to be in Olching in the future with the Bus. At the same time the last white spot is to be developed on the bus pass the city. The planned route by some, however, is extremely problematic.

Olching – There are two buses, the public transport (PT), crucial to The a specially for Olching, with the City line 831, and the other for all the inhabitants of the Eastern district, and Germering, line 860, the enhanced current 834 between Olching and Eichenau.

The advantage of the inner city, part of a straight line Route, explained mayor Andreas Magg (SPD) in the most recent meeting of the city development Committee: There will be a Shuttle bus between Schwaig field, downtown and commercial area. Without large detours, “if you want to quickly to go shopping.” Are scheduled from the timetable change in 2021, two hybrid buses (about ten to eleven meters in length) with up to 85 seats, which would operate at 20-minute intervals. The city calculated currently with the cost of a maximum of 427, 000 euros.

links of composer district

A Problem is not solved: the connection of The so-called composer district (Mozart street) to the North of the railway line. According to the city development officer Alfred Münch (SPD) to 1500 people. They had not only the opportunity to walk hundreds of meters to the station or to the next stop. Especially for older citizens, this was an intolerable situation.

The white spot on the public TRANSPORT map, however, will be in the future of the new bus 860 of the district office opened up that carries them financially. Presented the concept of a public TRANSPORT expert Hermann in front of Seifert in the session, similar to how he has done it recently in Eichenau. The 860 is equal to three S-Bahn to connect the lines. From Olching (S3) it’s about Eichenau (S4) in about half an hour to Germering to S8, connected to the airport.

In the electric mode

Within Olchings would roll the Bus, which is also a hybrid model that can switch in residential areas to the silent electric-mode, also all 20 minutes from the train station via the field road in the direction of Eichenau. The composer district is set to get a stop. Although the 831 and 860 to hang in their planning is not inextricably linked to each other, as Seifert explained, at the request of Ewald Zachmann (FWO). But: “The intra-urban line would make it easier.”

Greens spokeswoman Ingrid Jaschke endorsed, in principle, that the composer district is connected. “Of course I can agree with in good conscience.” You make it sure that the roadway in the field road is very narrow and it will, at the latest, with counter-traffic sensitive. You wanted an alternative Route. This is likely to meet with the residents on applause: they had already expressed at the time of the test phase, in 2018, Worries about safety and noise. Some were in as listeners at the meeting.

Vice mayor Maria Hartl (CSU) wished that the area will be reviewed at spring street and Möslstraße in more detail. The Situation with the buses and parked cars is also very critical. “I would even speak of a accident center of gravity.”

stopping restrictions unsausweichlich ?

urban development officer Münch said: “This is a matter for the municipality.” He is in favour of the current plans to move more people to use the public TRANSPORT. “We drown every day in the main street in the traffic, we have to do something.” For the sensitivities of the local residents, he expressed little understanding. He suggested but a one-way street network as a possible solution for bottlenecks. Traffic officer Hans Bieniek (CSU) endorsed the new line, speculated, however: “To stopping restrictions we are not likely to come around.” And the people need to do is make your car “stop in the garage and not on the street.” At the end of the entire preliminary advice to the Supervisory Board agreed to the plans – however, an alternative route is checked.

The line

This is the planned Route: Olching, lake/Neufeld road on Ludwig road, Wittelsbacher Allee, Ferdinand street, Schwaig field, Daxerstraße, S-Bahn station, main road, Nöscherplatz place, public place, On the island, COM, Orden road, partridge road, Big mountain (Münchner Straße), Johann-G.-Gutenberg street, herzogstand street, Möslstraße, spring weather and road stone road

comment: Actually a stroke of genius

Actually, it would have been so beautiful: The district has its Super-S-Bahn Bus, which connects three lines, and the town of Olching City on-line. Good for the environment and people who can’t afford a car. All are glad and happy. All?

no, a small portion of citizens is afraid of to significantly more traffic and noisy, long line of buses, your tranquil living world will destroy in 20 minutes. Moreover, there are concerns also from the political side – that, among other things, the field road, through the new 860 rollers, is suitable for this purpose. Too tight, too dangerous, it should have Almost-accidents.

anyone Who knows the Situation on the ground, white: Yeah, sometimes it’s an obstacle course to walk through. The only question is: How difficult these problems weigh in comparison to the people in the district is completely cut off from public TRANSPORT? Also older people who are not good to walk. And: Should you don’t be aware of the fact that you live in a city with all of its advantages, such as S-Bahn, childcare and shopping, but also a growing infrastructure, sometimes on your own doorstep?

There is no question that safety for all must be guaranteed at any time. But the Problem with the composer district has been solved by the new line, the 860, which does not have to pay the city, quite elegant. Optimal would be of course, if an alternative route would be found. But this is likely to be rather difficult. (Kathrin Garbe)