in the heart of Hanover froze to death a homeless man, without anybody noticing it. The 54-Year-old is the first cold deaths this Winter in the capital of lower Saxony.

Hanover* reported, complain about the lower Saxony state capital, your first cold victim 2019. After he had located and moved into the inner city unnoticed, the night in the open, and succumbed to the 54-year-old homeless on Monday, 21. In January, the consequences of hypothermia.

Hannover: homeless man freezes to death unnoticed in the city

+ The man froze to death in the middle of the Kröpcke, a Central point in the city core©Screenshot Google Maps

According to police, the man with icy had a cold the night of Saturday to Sunday, under the open sky at the Kröpcke, a Central point in the city of Hanover, spent. the Only on Sunday morning, passers-by found lying on the floor man, however, was at this time still responsive.

First cold victim 2019, in Hannover: found As a passer-by the man, it was too late

+ In the case of the man it is the first cold victims in Hannover 2019 (icon photo)©picture alliance/dpa

The alerted rescue service brought the man to the hospital, where is the man, however, died of the consequences of hypothermia. the According to police, there are no signs of foul play or third-party negligence.

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How do I behave correctly when a homeless Person obviously needed Lich help?

+ in Spite of various relief projects, such as the Kältebuss every Winter, to freeze to death homeless people©picture alliance/dpaSollte a homeless man in a public health emergency, or not be responsive, should immediately to the emergency, The alert paramedics to be chosen to decide how the affected Person can be helped, Should not afterwards, that a medical use is required, the costs will be covered. the Important: Who remains in a obvious an emergency, the failure to provide assistance is punishable by law. * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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