The housing market is extremely competitive, and landlords want to beat out every available square meter of the capital. It always comes back to three.
The housing market is for the landlord to be extremely lucrative. This is reflected more and more in a curious advertisements. And apartment-seekers remains almost nothing to take this into consideration.
“Suitable for shift workers”: residents are expected to alternate between bed use
a apartment ad, that appear to be from Australia makes, the attention, the moves of the barrel once more on the ground and seamlessly with other curiosities can be classified: the d as the room for shift workers .
The ad has been shared on the Facebook page “Kmart Unhacks & Roasts”, where the users get upset now about it. The room has a single bed, which can be used according to the landlord by several people. Therefore, it is “ideal for shift workers”. the So the bed could be occupied alternately at night and during the day when the other employees in the work . “If you know someone, then informs him that there is this room,” said the landlord in his display.
For the shared bed, he asked 123 Australian dollars – whether the price is weekly or monthly paid, remains open. Nevertheless, unacceptable for many readers: “It is a miracle that not even an afternoon workers should be stuffed. the To ensure that the bed is never empty , ” for example.
interesting : this flat display is clearly something wrong – you Recognize what it is?
on top of that, the room rules, which have been scribbled on the wall, press the users on the mind. For a tiny room, there are namely quite a lot: among other things, the lights should be identified, if no one used the room and the Cabinet doors are open. “It is a sad Situation when this should be for someone the only housing option,” summarizes a user, the offer is suitable.
also read : students sleep rent space on a balcony – for an absurd price.