50 years of age are married to the Wolfratshauser Gudrun and Ernst Wirth – a marriage including the UPS and Downs. Because of a this Deep, the Couple had no wedding photo.

Wolfratshausen – A relationship without UPS and Downs? “Not there,” said Gudrun (73) and Ernst Wirth (75). The two need to know. This week, they celebrated their Golden wedding. This includes the mayor, Klaus heiling Lechner congratulated with a bouquet of flowers.

“I have torn up our wedding Bahisarena photo sometime, as there was a noise,” Gudrun Wirth and laughs. Your man looks to the left, so something is for him to married life. The secret of their long relationship with sun in her upbringing: “We have learned that you should not be running. Problems to be solved.“

Loyalty, tolerance, and optimism have held together the two of them for five decades. “The idea That we do survive a lot,” says the 73-Year-old. A wedding photo there, by the way, since 2005. “We have it adjusted at the Hoff-based court photographer to the Auer Dult,” says Ernst Wirth with a grin.

Golden wedding Wolfratshausen: you have to be in a dance hall

The Couple met in the spring of 1967 in a dance hall In December 1968, chimed in Munich, the wedding bells. “And, although I’m Styrian,” says Ernst Wirth with a wink. He went from Austria to see the “big wide world”. The trip ended prematurely when he met Gudrun. “I’m here, Yes, but this is an unexpected twist, I can’t complain,” says the 75-Year-old.

+ mayor, Klaus heiling Lechner (li.) occasion of the anniversary.©Sabine Hermsdorf-Hiss

Two children were born of the marriage. Roland and Renate are now 49 and 47 years old. There are now five grandchildren. In 2003, the Wirths from Munich, moved to Wolfratshausen. “The family of our son at that time lived in Waldram, as it has offered,” explains Gudrun Wirth. That the two have decided not to move away, says mayor heiling Lechner.


also read: Golden wedding: “Cico” and his wife tell their story

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