Bad news for passengers: On Tuesday, the next day of action follows, this time at the largest German airport in Frankfurt. What this means for affected passengers.

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/tmn) – travelers must be on Tuesday (15. January) on flight cancellations at the airport in Frankfurt because of announced warning Strikes of security personnel. The walkout at Germany’s largest airport is scheduled to last from 2.00 PM until 20.00 PM. What passengers need to know:

What is the rights of the affected passengers?

a flight strike is due or is late more than three hours, the airline must give passengers according to the travel lawyer Paul Degott alternative transport to the destination, for example, by means of a transfer to another flight. This shall also apply if the passenger shall not be transported, because he can’t reach the machine due to the non-occupied safety control.

In many cases, the airlines customers to book automatically on a later flight. Otherwise, should be Affected by the Airline for the best in writing, by Mail, a deadline for the procurement of the Alternative. Two to three hours, Degott as the deadline deems appropriate. The airline does not comply with the, can be used to raise the passengers self-replacement and the cost-afterwards the Airline.

Lufthansa has announced that customers for the 15. January flights booked from Frankfurt free of charge on a date between the 11. and the 20. February can rebook. Flight cancellations will publish the Airline in on Sunday afternoon on your Website. For these flights, transfers to be made online.

there Is a compensation in case of flight disruptions?

Is cancelled, the flight is definitely, or is more than too late five hours, travelers can also return your Ticket and get the money back. Compensation according to EU passenger rights regulation is not entitled to a traveller in such a case. Because in a strike of the airport personnel, according to jurisprudence of the Federal court to force majeure.

What are the rules for package tourists?

In the case of packages, the following applies: The tour operator must take care of alternative transportation. From more than four hours late on arrival, holidaymakers can reduce the price of the trip according to the Degott subsequently Pro-rata. A short break will be shortened by the strike significantly, can the guest cancel the trip. He gets back then the price of the trip.

What should do the affected passengers now?

The Frankfurt airport operator, Fraport advises passengers due Tuesday announced warning Strikes to Reschedule. Passengers would have during the strike, no way to reach your flight. Passengers should refrain from a trip to the airport and for more information at an early stage, the Airline or their travel provider. After the end of the strike action was likely to be delayed.

this Is also valid for connecting flights?

Fraport assumes that a Change in the transfer area will be largely possible. However, it will come here, too, to disturbances and delays.

message Fraport