An AfD Deputy complained, with what right the Deputy Martin Hagen (FDP) in Parliament would disavow. Hagen skin him prompt a fiery plea to the ears, and thus goes viral.

Munich – That the AfD polarized, should have every heard. Since the party is also represented in the local Parliament, where the debates heated. In the baden-württemberg state Parliament, the AfD’s Deputy, Stefan Räpple caused even a visit from the police. Räpple had been referred to a few loud between President Muhterem Aras (Green) withdrawn by Parliament on several occasions of the hall, but refused to leave.

Rosenheimer top candidate geigt AfD-man’s opinion

Now also in the Bavarian Parliament, round, triggered by the question of the AfD’s Deputy Raimund Swoboda Mr Martin Hagen (FDP), why the AfD politician in Public just . “What right have you to allow me personally versam Meltem plenary to disavow ?”, Swoboda’s words were in Hagen. The AfD-politician then wanted to know from Hagen, if the have something to say in answer to him personally. And had Hagen, whose answer is now going viral:

“The first Google search to your Person leads to an official page of the AfD you cited you had gone into politics, because they rogue , working on resolution of the German people want to leave Such words condemn themselves. You don’t think that the group of the Free Democrats or any other democratic political group in this house in the parliamentary control body, that Gorabet the protection of the Constitution in a controlled manner. the That would make the goat the gardener , you do not believe, however, that we are so stupid.”

Hagen’s plea reaps in the network to great acclaim: “anyone Who begs so therefore , you must make quiet. Everything is done correctly, and more of this,” wrote someone on Twitter. Or “The penalty had to be threshed with a fully spun into the goal hit!!!”, a of other.