hundreds of Dead and injured: Indonesia is even more of a terrible Tsunami hit. In the network there was a Video circulating that shows how the Band of Seventeen from the Tsunami is recorded.

In the case of a new Tsunami disaster in Indonesia are at least 222 people were killed. At least 843 people had been injured, as the flood waves on Saturday evening (local time) after a volcanic eruption without warning on coastal areas and tourist beaches broke in the Straits of Sunda, informed the disaster management authority on Sunday. According to the initial findings of the crisis reaction centre in the foreign office, not the German state came to harm citizens.

The Ticker from Indonesia

Nearly 30 people were still missing, said authorities spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho. It is also to be assumed that the number of dead will continue to rise. Not all of the victims had so far been recovered, not all the data available so far, he said. Kathy Mueller of the International red cross and red Crescent societies, told AFP that the Organisation prepare for the possible spread of disease.

pop band Seventeen of huge Tsunami wave

rescue workers searched on Sunday, more Rubble for Survivors. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed, authorities reported. The tidal waves met in the South of Sumatra and in West Java late on Saturday evening (local time) on Land, without the people there would have been pre-warned, a authorities spokesperson said.

TV stations showed images of a wave, which pushed a telescoping splined mass of metal roofs, wood, debris, and other flotsam from the popular Carita beach to the Hinterland. Elsewhere, the Tsunami, trees uprooted and left behind a trail of rubble.

A dramatic, in the social media, posted Video showed a wall of water that crashed into a concert by the pop band Seventeen, the Band from the stage, hurled, and the audience spilled. Front man Riefian Fajarsyah wrote on Instagram that the Bassist and Road Manager of ?majbet the Band had been killed and his wife was missing.

check out this post on Instagram

Selamat jalan ko Eman @Herman seven teen , husnul khotimah. Temen2 semua maafin semua salah mas Herman ya, mohon diikhlaskan dan dkirimi doa buat almarhum. @uje17_rukmanarustam juga selamat jalan jang, husnul khotimah InsyaAllah, AK ujang orang baik. InsyaAllah ko Eman sama Ujang ditempatkan Allah disisiNYA yang paling mulia. • Sobb @andi_seventeen cepet pulang sob, aku tinggal sendiri sob, please

A post shared by Riefian Fajarsyah (@ifanseventeen) on Dec 23, 2018 12:12 PST

photo graph Oystein Andersen dramatic scenes

describes Triggered the waves by a submarine landslide, a volcanic eruption on the small island of Anak Krakatoa between Java and Sumatra, as Nugroho said in Yogyakarta. The flood effect was heightened by the full moon. Tsunami expert David Rothery of the Open University explained that the proximity of the volcano to the coast have left the authorities with very little time to React.

photographer Oystein Andersen was surprised by the Tsunami, as he made just images of Anak Krakatoa. “All of a sudden I saw a big wave,” he wrote on Facebook. “I had to race.” An eye-witness Asep Perangkat described to AFP, such as cars and containers to and from the water were swept away. Particularly difficult for the government of the district of Pandeglang was affected on the Western tip of Java. Here at least 164 people were killed, two Hotels, numerous victims have been recovered.

As the crisis reaction centre in the foreign office, reported that, initially, there was “no evidence that affected German”. The Embassy is trying “to get it as soon as possible to certainty,” it said in a Twitter message.

Merkel is dismayed by Tsunami disaster

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), said Indonesia’s head of state Joko Widodo in a telegram to her “deepest condolences”. You have recorded the message from the Tsunami, “with great sadness”. Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed in a letter of condolence to his “deep sorrow from letter to Widodo”.

relief organizations began immediately with the establishment of emergency aid programmes for the affected areas. Caritas international for the emergency relief, in a first step, to 100,000 euros, said in a statement. Malteser International was, according to its own information of 50,000 euros.

The island state of Indonesia is frequently struck by catastrophic Tsunami waves home. These are usually caused by earthquakes under the sea floor. That they are triggered by volcanic eruptions, and landslides, is rather rare.

Indonesia in September of Tsunami

affected In case of a severe earthquake and a subsequent Tsunami at the end of September arrived on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, more than 2000 people were killed.

Particularly devastating was the Tsunami of Christmas 2004 was: at that Time, approximately 220,000 people, alone of 168,000 of them in Indonesia died in the countries bordering the Indian ocean. This disaster was caused by a seaquake of the strength of 9.1 off the coast of Sumatra.
