district administrator Wolfgang Rzehak (Green) calls, in the dispute over the designation of the water protection zone of Reisach-Thalham-Gotzing the return to issue-oriented discussion. In addition, he participates in a press release, the new Minister of the environment, Thorsten Glauber (Free voters).

As reported, referred to the Committee on the environment against the votes of the SPD and the Greens, the Petition of five of those who expressed objections “to the assessment” to the state government. Moreover, the district office of the standings of the lawyer Benno Ziegler talks have reached, according to the Petition, “the best possible result”. To do this, you should have the title of “consideration”, which means that the Committee considers the concern is fully justified. The result of the “assessment” stipulates that the Ministry should examine the case again.

Overall, could have been the “deputies of the government parties against the representatives of the Ministry of the environment,” the district administrator. “Especially in times of growing political disaffection, it is very worrying that members of Parliament from the CSU and the Free voters to such an embarrassing political farce. Such a behavior has not earned the Bavarian state Parliament.“

Rzehak calls on Glauber again, to take a “clear Position”. The district office waiting for two and a half months on a response. Rzehak: “The Minister must decide whether he wants to play party political games or whether he has at an informed decision interest. The Latter calls for courage.“ The Minister should represent “here in the Oberland is not in a Ministry in Munich – his Position open and honest”. The citizens would have a right to know what they are. “It must be clear who wants this extension of the water protection zone and why.”


see also: Provocative Posts from the members: CSU complained to SPD-Boss Kohnen