On the run from the police, an 18-drove-Year-old in Heppenheim, a woman in a Parking lot dead. The Fugitive had no driver’s license.

Heppenheim – On the run from the highway police, 18 injured-Year-old in a Parking lot in the state of Hesse with his car a woman one and their son hard. Also, the accident the driver suffered serious injuries, the police announced. Police tried to control the young driver on Sunday night on the highway 5 – but the 18-Year-old miss of it stayed Betmarino the signals and raced.

On the run from the police: 18-Year-old had item no driver’s license

Finally, he drove in Heppenheim into a Parking lot and rammed a parked car, which was pushed by the force of another car. In the rammed car, a 39-year-old woman from Düsseldorf, and her ten-year-old son sat in the father had gone to the toilet. The mother died a little later in the hospital from her injuries. The Boy with serious injuries was taken to a hospital.

As it turns out, the 18-Year-old had no driving licence, the Prosecutor’s office ordered a blood test.

also read: six-year-old from chair lift overthrown: child falls nine meters in depth.
