Bernd Martin died at the age of 63 years. With FC Bayern he celebrated his greatest successes – he won the Cup and the championship. Now, a moving sadness appeared in the display.

Update from the 6. December 2018: Just a week after the death of the former Bavaria-pros Bernd Martin appeared in the South-West press edition of Ulm/Neu-Ulm a memorial display. The family takes to widow, Beatrice, in a moving way farewell to the on 1. December deceased father of a family. A famous poem by Annette von Droste quoted-Hülshoff. On a career as a professional football is not taken in the words, however, reference.

The funeral service will be held on Monday, the 10. December, from 15 PM at the cemetery in Langenau instead. At a later stage, then the urn burial.

doubts at all that can verify that it is, in fact, the former Bayern player, however, agree on the dates of birth and death. In addition, the Ex-Pro ended his career at SSV Ulm, and lived until his death in the vicinity of Langenau.

+ at The age of 63 years died: Bernd Martin played from 1982 to 1985 for FC Bayern.©Twitter/@Bayern memorabilia

Ex-Bayern-Profi, Bernd Martin, at the age of 63 years

Munich – Sad news on 1. Advent: How FC Bayern is announced, Bernd Martin died. The former professional the Red was 63 years old. The cause of death was not immediately known.

Bernd Martin celebrated largest successes with FC Bayern

The full-back completed in three years for the Munich-based 24 games in all competitions. In the 16 League, six Cup and two European Cup games, he, however, remained without a hit. After all, he was allowed to celebrate in the time his only two titles as a professional: 1984 Martin won with FC Bayern the DFB-Cup, a year later, the German championship, followed.

caution: The FC Bayern writes, Martin died at the age of 62 years – many sources report a date of birth 10. In February 1955, therefore, he would have been 63 years of age.

rise and Vice-championship with VfB Stuttgart

His personal most successful time as a footballer, he experienced, however, when VfB Stuttgart, for the Martin in nine years, 269 times dispatch and 31 goals scored. In 1977, he was with the Swabians in the Bundesliga, two years later, Martin and co. missed the championship by only one point and seven goals, the Hamburger SV was better. Only the unofficial title of the “Vice”.

In the Dress of the national team, the native of Stuttgart on delivery only once: at the 2. May 1979, at 2:0 in Wales Ngsbahis in the qualifiers for the European championship in 1980, he was in the 88. Minute by Jupp Derwall for the later DFB-Co-coach Uli Stielike substitute.

broken ankle shortly after the game’s debut

for More country – games- and also because Martin broke in the following League game VfB Stuttgart – 2:0 VfL Bochum – the ankle and for the Rest of the season was. “That was, in the truest sense of the word, the sticking point in my career,” he once said in retrospect.

switching from FC Bayern München to Ulm

After three years at the Säbener Strasse, Martin, in 1985, moved on to SSV Ulm and made his career in the then-third-tier Oberliga Baden-Württemberg in the evening. With the rise in the 2. League, he drew a line under the career.
