According to an open letter to the DFB, Reinhard Grindel showed the “friends of the national team,” Max Stillger the yellow card – and now he’s dropped out completely.

As Betonbet an entrepreneur, Max Stillger is reputable, private of the assets used consultants also harsh words. Not only in the small circle at the counter, but also in the large global network. The 56-Year-old expresses and clearly to political and social issues – and, preferably, to the soccer. On this (game)he has since the summer of a favorite opponent: DFB, Reinhard Grindel.

After a few verbal Fouls Stillger from the square. The German football Federation is connected to “friends of the National” (FdN) throw him after 21 years of membership out of it. And the upright. Max Stillger has paid claims to always volunteer more than the annual contribution of 1000 euros, since 1997, around 150 countries games and all of the major tournaments in the world visited. Now the final whistle.

criticism of the DFB: “friends of the national team,” throw Edelfan out

“Due to the repeated public and personal denigration and defamatory vilification of the DFB-President of the Board of management has now been forced, because of the violation of the Statute, in this case, the violation of the laws of sporting Fairness, exclude“, – stated in a by the Chairman Eugen Gehlenborg signed Letter.

Gehlenborg, one of the DFB Vice-President, Deputy of Grindel. As evidence, he has four copies of Facebook comments Stillgers. In a (15. October) had posted the break down the root at the end of a football expert after the 0:3 defeat against the Netherlands: “The fish stinks from the very top of the head… I can be the Face of this grinning backbench politician does not see more.”

As a reaction to revelations of alleged scandals at the European and world associations of UEFA and FIFA Stillger criticized on 2. December lunch first, “tangled thoughts”, the Grindel via Twitter spread. In the evening, he put as follows: “The whole football world is currently turned upside down. And we – football-Germany – are represented by a third-rate politicians, who by extremely unfortunate circumstances at the top of the world’s largest sports Association, the DFB was flushed. The white just only for three years, that no frog is in the Ball… I would like to see a soccer professional in this Position.“ That was enough for the DFB-Upper. You do not want to see the Edelfan at the “friends of the national team” and show him the red card.

a Lot of Likes in Facebook for a critique of the DFB-Boss Reinhard Grindel

The yellow you had already on 17. September unsheathed. The FdN Board of Directors called on Stillger in writing, “unprofessional or in the Form of undue criticism.” The occasion is an open letter Stillgers was three days after the disastrous world Cup-From Germany to Grindelwald, which made nationwide headlines. The expert language, with its relentless settlement, obviously, many from the heart: He got in the network 20 614 positive feedback!

The applause of like-minded people, the scolding of the DFB. In the meeting of the members of the “friends of the national team” on the 6. September in Munich, the subject came up. Max Stillger has felt it at the time, so that he is placed in the laces, and false accusations were made. Gehlenborg writes, the Association Board of Directors as well as Grindel had tried, “a critical, but factual exchange of views”. “As we recognize today, apparently in vain.”

“the worst in the DFB-President of all time”: Edelfan Max Stillger shoots against the head of the national team

Max Stillger takes the decision left. “I’m the First to be thrown out, because he has not paid his contribution, but because he represents his opinion,” he said on request of this newspaper. He go not so far as the Bayern bosses Hoeness and Rummenigge in their failed press conference, the referred to article 1 of the basic law (“The Dignity of man is inviolable”), but article 5, he will take claim for themselves (freedom of expression). “I think all the accusations against Grindel”, Stillger, “and join in de judgment of the long-standing DFB spokesman Harald Stenger: This is the worst DFB President of all time,” said us Stillger, today, Tomorrow, and sat back down at the PC.

In a second open letter to the German President and former CDU Bundestag deputies with the Headline, “Bravo, Mr Grindel” indicates the first step is to the lack of response to the first and writes at the end: “you think that I’m taking for over 30 years, a successful entrepreneur who created a three-digit number of jobs, so far, an eight-digit amount of taxes paid (with the others, their Salaries were paid) and from their own private resources, with considerable effort, a non-profit Foundation, has initiated, like a small Boy let the mouth to ban.“ Stillgers the last sentence of Grindel: “Kick back and take your coach!”