Dunja Hayali said the paraplegics Kristina Vogel in the gym a question that went to many viewers. The presenter fights back against the critics.

sport-Studio (ZDF): Dunja Hayali defends your questions to Kristina Vogel

Update from 17. December 2018, 15.21 PM: Dunja Hayalis (44) Interview with the paraplegic Kristina Vogel in the “Current sports Studio” made on Saturday evening for a lot of criticism among the viewers. The reason is that The presenter had asked the 28-year-old Athlete also to sensitive issues, including possible suicidal thoughts,. Some viewers reacted with disgust over a “low point of the sports studios” and criticized the “untold Interview”.

The Dunja Hayali not sit up. On Sunday evening, the presenter on Twitter wondered about the reactions of some viewers, and stressed that the issues had previously been discussed. You’ve spoken in the past ten years, with a number of people with a disability, in addition, to break with taboos, Hayali.

a Tweet from Kristina Vogel self-Hayali announced with the comment: “that’s all.” Bird himself had felt, the questions seem to not be out of place or uncomfortable. They thanked on Sunday evening, via Twitter, the presenter for the “pleasant, but also very honest Interview”.

And also other viewers defended the questions of the presenter and praised the talk as “very brave” and “open”.

ZDF sports Studio: Dunja Hayali provides unusual question – a Lot of viewers are horrified

Update 16. December: In the “Current sports Studio” of the ZDF presenter Dunja Hayali had on Saturday, the paraplegics, Kristina Vogel. Hayali interviewed the two-time track Olympic gold medallist also to the possible thoughts of suicide. The 28-Year-old replied: “you must not think”. In the network many viewers were appalled.

Dunja Hayali-ZDF presenter responds to hate comments on the net

Update from 25. November: Dunja Hayali polarized and pulls again and again, hate on the net. Just now and again the TV journalist was Kaçak Bahis abused on Twitter again bad.

your Fans are beside themselves. “That would be me in their place, but the smooth is a small complaint…,” commented one. “Oh, dear, I think it’s terrible, what you need to read through everything …” writes another. “… even if I don’t share your political views, I find such insults are completely impossible,” noted another.

Dunja Hayali reacts surprisingly relaxed: “But people, you have actually no other problems? Go out, be nice. To lend a hand. Help. What is a Good thing. However, this requires more than 280 characters.“

Federal President of Germany Steinmeier, Dunja Hayali awarded the Federal cross of merit

News from the 22. May: Berlin, Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the TV journalist Dunja Hayali has awarded the Federal cross of merit. Steinmeier signed on Tuesday in the castle Bellevue in Berlin, in addition, several other concerned citizens. Democracy need people like Excellent, said Steinmeier. The occasion for the ceremony of the anniversary of the entry into force of the basic law on 23 may. In may 1949, the so-called Constitution day.

“We need people to not complain about problems and wait for ‘the state’ or ‘politics’ you have to solve, but the self-active, regardless of whether it comes to life in their own village or to the future of Europe,” said Steinmeier. It is, according to the office of the Federal President, citizens were honored between the ages of 20 and 90 years, and involved “in an outstanding way for freedom and democracy and against right-wing extremism and violence”.

To the Honored, among other things, Hayali, which campaigns against racism and xenophobia. “We need journalists with the tools, and Ethos,” said Steinmeier is convinced.

Federal cross of merit for citizens ‘ initiative and tree-planting campaign

The Federal cross of merit was also awarded to the writer Juli Zeh, interfering again and again in political debates. Was also honored the 20-year-old Felix Finkbeiner from Bavaria, as a student, a worldwide tree-planting campaign to the fight against climate change initiated. Also, Sabine and Daniel Röder from Frankfurt am Main, were honored. They founded the citizens ‘ initiative “Pulse of Europe”.

also read: “there is No right to hatred”: Dunya Hayali defended Germany’s most

Also interesting: asylum-armed in live broadcast from Hayali: Ramsauer “offended” viewers

Update from the 5. October 2018: DHL package to the Federal President, Steinmeier is not – and the reason is hard to believe

Even Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier has his problems with DHL to him, addressed package to the office of the Federal President. The reason many can’t help but Laugh.


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