there was water in the gas in the couple Bruno Mayor Olaf Scholz. The palinodies the German Finance minister vis-à-vis the ” charge to digital “, defended fervently by France, eventually annoy the boss of Bercy. Friday, the two men meet in Berlin for a working meeting, which will be the opportunity of a frank explanation. In fact, Olaf Scholz, has never ceased to blow hot and cold on the taxation of the turnover of the giants of the digital.

” the countries of The South are very hot, the Northern countries are more cautious, stated Bruno Le Maire said before the european parliament Tuesday in Strasbourg. Spain and Italy, for example, have already indicated that they were ready to put in place a taxation of the giants of the digital January 1, 2019, if ever we do not find an agreement at european level. What a failure for Europe ! What a shame for Europe – I do not hesitate to say that – States obliged to implement themselves the taxation of the digital, re-establish themselves in the tax justice because the european Union as a political entity […] would not have been able to re-establish justice and the tax efficiency. “

Read also Tax Gafa – The Mayor : “The palaver, that’s enough ! “


While The Mayor is in a full diplomatic offensive and tries to take a witness to a public opinion tired of the paralysis of the european Union, that Olaf Scholz holds up, at the last moment, a proposal to tax minimum business at a global level… An interference in good rule that breaks the communication of the French minister. For Paris, this is too much !

To make a good figure, the French minister of the Economy immediately responded that he was taking into account the German proposal and that he would defend at the next G7 chaired by France (France takes over the rotating presidency from 1 January 2019). In truth, this proposal was already in the portfolio that the French had put on the table at the G7. But The Mayor did not want to upset the Germans and pretended to “discover” this idea…

Merkel’s conservative

Because, finally, what is it that bothers Olaf Scholz in the proposed tax of the giants of the digital world ? “In fact, we do not know if it does not make use of this motif as Aresbet a lever to get something else of France, gliding a French diplomat. We will have the heart net on Friday. “Generally speaking, the French diplomats are tired of the hesitations German on all folders. “It takes all of them off, because, in principle, they do not want to move on anything!!!” annoys-t-one, in Paris. Chancellor Merkel takes refuge always behind this mantra : “I don’t have a mandate for that. “And it is with great difficulty that Macron has received approval from the German chancellor, the” declaration of Meseberg ” who draft a budget of investment of the euro area backed by the eu budget…

The issue of trade surpluses germans back to it regularly on the table between the two countries. A debate that the populist Italian are also on their way, just as Trump when it gets too large presence of German cars on the market

trade Surplus

on the side of The German diplomats, it is estimated that the question of germany’s surplus is a false debate in which the terms are ill-posed. “There are virtually no German product exported which is 100 % produced in Germany. To appreciate the effects of our exports in our economies, it is much more complicated than to say it is Germany that exports because the car has left the port of Hamburg, objects close to the chancellor. Secondly, the surplus German, if you wants to start from this notion, is very much balanced within the euro zone, where it is only 3 or 4 %. It has declined. A surplus in the United States is not in itself an element of imbalance within the european Union. “In other words : move along, there’s nothing to see.

Berlin has enough of it that it be the trial of his low public investment. The previous government, under the era Schäuble, had begun to increase the share of public investment, and had presented himself as ” the contribution of Germany to support growth in Europe “. “But it is a pump that begins slowly, because of the investment projects that are to mature slowly, noted German side. If we increase our public investments of an additional € 10 billion, it might be fun to some, but this would not result in effective investment on the ground for lack of mature projects. “Topics that Bruno Le Maire and Olaf Scholz address may be in the course of their work meeting…

On the same subject Tax Gafa – The Mayor :” The palaver, that’s enough ! “