The Doctors were amazed, as they laid the Baby by an American woman on the scale. The newborn weighed far more than an average Baby.

Jennifer and Eric Medlock from the U.S. Arlington, Virginia were overjoyed about the news that they were expecting a second child: her daughter would get a little brother. The pregnancy, delivery Reports, a local News affiliate of CBS (American radio and television group) without complications, but when little Ali was in the world, it came to the Surprise.

Ali weighed twice as much as an average Newborn

The Little one weighed in at his birth, all of 6.5 pounds – instead of average weight, considering that he weighed twice as much as an average Newborn.

Ali had to be taken with a caesarean section and remained because of low blood sugar values is still a week on the neonatal ward. But now he is with his very happy family. Jennifer’s comment about your special Baby: “ It is no matter how much he weighs, I feel blessed. He is made for something Great .”

interesting : Two years is pregnant? What grows in the belly of this woman, weighs 26 pounds.

reason for Obesity in the newborn

Whether the weight of your baby with the fact, that Medlock was artificially inseminated, is not used. You suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome – an Excess of male sex hormones in the body, which complicates a pregnancy. Therefore, she has decided at her first child for a artificial insemination. Your daughter had at the time of the birth of a proud weight of 4.5 pounds.

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jg / glomex