on The subject of speed limit to cook a lot of emotion. Presenter Dunja Hayali has known in their talk show to their Position.

you’re about to be blasted with 170 things on the highway, the COP in the passenger seat measures your pulse. However, Dunja Hayali cool: resting heart rate of 66. Everything is okay. Film editing, we are in Dunja Hayalis talk show on Wednesday evening. There, she freely admits: “I admit: I like to drive fast car!”

Who would expect of the presenter, the rest in the ICE-Tempo, by your shipment. Three topics of conversation in three quarters of an hour? For Hayali no Problem. Speed limit, climate protection, bullying, the presenter dealt once more with both complex and controversial topics, also on Wednesday, however, with the well-known appeals and little New – however, with unusual insights.

Talk with Dunja Hayali: speed limit would be “the end of the world”

Sidney Hoffmann. For Hayalis talk show guest, a speed limit would be the “end of the world”. Sidney auto tuner. He pimp sports car to its HP limits. How bad is a speed limit on the car would be cars for him on a scale of 0 to 10, wants to know Hayali from him? “1000”, so the passionate car hobbyist. His professional existence is built on the Lust for fast Driving. The theme of “Driving fast” is always an emotional.

Federal Minister of transport, Scheuer has the speed limit on the car already reject. Anton Hofreiter and Markus Blume argue. The Bundestag group chief of the Greens against the CSU’s Secretary-General, that smells like trouble: facts against freedom. Many of the Dead were it not for says Hofreiter, if the speed limit would apply. Hayali provides facts from the year 2017. Therefore, on highways 409 people died by accidents.

Talk with Dunja Hayali ZDF: “Innocent, not endanger solid”

flower, however, sees no connection between the Tempo and the dead from the statistics. The concept of “freedom”: “The Individual should be able to decide to behave on the highway as he finds it right,” urges the CSU General Secretary. Hofreiters replica is predictable. At the Nürburgring, driving fast, a lot of sugar or consume alcohol, everyone should be allowed to, says the Green politician. “But you are not allowed to endanger other Innocent solid.” And not to forget, a speed limit serves also to protect the climate.

Everything for the Diesel and the threat of driving you read banned here in our Ticker

Talk with Dunja Hayali: “In ten years, it is too late!”

steep template for theme 2: For weeks, the activists of the action “Friday for the Future, demonstrate” for the protection of the climate. The student Therese Kah and student Luisa Neubauer tails for school and lecture. Demos are for the two young women is more important than theoretical Knowledge. Germany is supposed to end according to the will of the government-appointed coal Commission at the latest by the end of 2038, electricity generation from coal. “But in ten years it’s too late!” so a student Kah. “The fact that it is spoken, shows that our concept works”, says the Green-a member of Neubauer.

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Dunja Hajali admits: “of Course it makes me fun, to go real fast.

Spoke once more “Dunja Hayali” – without a conclusion. Self-Hayali can’t save in the 45 minutes talk show in the world. This also applies to bullying, the last few minutes of the TV Format. Anti-bullying coach Carsten Stahl Hyper sensitized to it as a Studio guest with drastic words: bullying is “the cancer of our society”. The like nobody disagrees with that. For bullying, there are no arguments, in the case of climate protection, and speed limit are the ghosts known. Also Hayali may determine, in its closing argument: “of Course it makes me fun to drive really fast. On the other hand, there are good arguments. Serious accidents, more Deaths and injuries than at low speeds, and a higher CO2-emissions.”

note: an earlier Version of this article, we had thought due to a typo in the Teaser Dunja Hayali with the (wrong) name “Dunja Halali” – this error we have corrected in note, the presenter on Instagram, of course.
