In January 2019, in the first few days of the year, the lights to return to the quadrant ides in the sky. We will tell, when and where they are best seen.

Munich – shooting stars have something magical and romantic in itself, can hardly be denied. Who looks in the evening in the dark night sky and suddenly a shooting Star discovered, pauses for a brief Moment and wish for something.

All romantics and Fans of shooting stars can be lucky: at the beginning of January in 2019 be possible again many wishes. Then we are blessed again with the falling stars-rain of quadrant ides . All information about the rare event you can find here.

Meteor in January 2019: What Quadrant are identical?

In the case of the so-called quadrant ides are the Remains of a large nucleus . According to the page this fell apart, whereupon the Asteroid 2003 EH1 and quadrant ides created to be. These are the Remnants or shards. The Asteroid 2003 EH1 is referred to ides, therefore, as the parent body of the Quadrant.

The earth crosses on its orbit around the sun once a year, this Remains. Due to the high speed of the quadrant ides a certain amount of friction is created when they enter our atmosphere. They burn up and leave a trail of Light, which we refer to later as a shooting Star.

Overall, the quadrant ides of the four of the most active shooting star rave . The other three, the Perseids are in July/August,the Leonids in November and Geminids in December.

shooting stars in January 2019: where does the Name “quadrant ides”?

The Name “ quadrant ides ” comes from the constellation of the wall quadrant , now included in the constellation of the bear’s keepers . This is the starting point, to fall from which the shooting stars seem to be. Experts refer to this particular starting point as “radians”.

the constellation bear guardian in Latin, “boat” is called, could be the particular shooting stars, many also under the name of boat ides known.

when can you see the quadrant ides on the best?

in General, one can observe the quadrant iden at the end of December and beginning of January . The best time is between Tuesday, 1. January 2019 and Saturday, 5. January 2019 .

your Maximum, the shooting star showers reach in the night of 3. January 4. January 2019 , and particularly in the second half of the night. A better time to observe these shooting stars in the sky over Germany, there will be at least in the year 2019.

to Where and how you can observe the shooting stars in January?

When looking at shooting stars, in this particular case, the quadrant ides, is always the same principle: The further away from big cities and places with a lot of light, the better. the places where there is little to no artificial light, are Best for a night full of wishes. Because the moon interferes with his light, care should be taken to a dark environment, with a view to the stars even more. An uninhabited hills, far away from artificial lighting would be perfect.

How will ides the weather to the Quadrant in January 2019?

The greatest of all questions regarding this special night of the Quadrant is, of course, whether, in addition to the moon, and it should not seem too bright, the weather will play along. Therefore, you should make sure just before you go Watch for shooting stars, weather report, check, about

Also if you need an umbrella – warm clothes, a blanket and a thermos with a hot drink, you should think definitely, because it’s the next few days will be very cold. kralbet How strong are the clouds, fails ceiling, depends on the Wind, but it can always be free spots in the night sky.

Even if the conditions for a romantic night Outdoors due to the weather, should not be given, and let real Fans of the show probably still don’t want to miss out on the Chance to see some shooting stars, even in bad weather.

How to photograph shooting stars at Best?

Who wanted to make a photo of a starry sky, do not know, perhaps, that always succeed. Because it’s not that simple, the extraordinary spectacle in the sky. We give you the best tips on how to Photograph work in this particular night, however.

Other nature-spectacle in the sky

click here to See the spectacular images of the blood moon in 2018 as a result of the longest total lunar Eclipse of the century.

We have summarized for you in a separate article all of the important information on the blood moon.

Here you will find information on another shooting star Highlight, the Lyrids.
