Marc S. (28) was beaten down before the Nobel club P1 brutal. In court, the offender apologized, but the consequences are serious: Murat P. smashed his victim nearly the whole of the face. And accused of Marc S. of complicity.

Munich – His face is completely swollen. Of the jaw: broken, as well as the zygomatic bone and the orbital. With these severe injuries Marc S. (28, Name, woke up changed) on new year’s eve 2018 in the hospital brutal beating had him stretched in front of the Disco P1.

The rescue workers, a startling image: The lanky man was completely knocked out and with numerous fractures at 5:50 o’clock in the morning in a pool of blood in front of the Club. The emergency call had dispatched Murat P. (20, Name changed). “I’m the perpetrator”, he confessed immediately, as the police arrived. Later, an official was quoted: In the interrogation P. had indicated that he had formerly trained in kick-Boxing. Due to the martial arts experience, and the serious facial injuries P. was indicted then because of dangerous bodily injury.

Him, Marc S. was forced to resign after little more than a year on Monday. A handshake before the trial, he refused. “Even if I am prepared, in principle, an apology to accept.”

+ beating-victim Marc S. (28, right) with his lawyer Nicolas early Sorger in the criminal justice center in nymphenburger street.©Sigi Jantz

This was followed by the trial. “My client admits to everything and I would like to Express its Regret”, Murat P. on his defender Hans-Peter Meier explain. While the accused lowered with moist eyes. On the dock of the beefy Student was taken visibly. His remorse credible was. Until today, Murat P. himself can hardly believe, how hard he has hurt his victim. According to the report, his Boxhiebe smashed nearly the entire face of Marc S. “When I came in the hospital again, to me, warned me of the Doctors in front of my sight,” said he yesterday, Magistrate Bader. You now need to clarify how exactly the fight that ended the way it did.

“I has been shoved and beaten. After that, I was unconscious.“

What happened exactly, opinions are divided on this. Marc S. says, a woman got him dancing, on the dance floor, he would have exchanged with her caresses and later went with her to the outside, there, got it mixed in, then a group of men. “I was pushed and beaten. After that, I was unconscious.“ For a year, Marc S. was not able to work properly or to learn. In the Klinikum rechts der Isar, two titanium plates were inserted into his face. On the outside you see nothing, but p suffers until today under the sleep – and concentration disorders.

Murat P. claimed that he had been provoked before the blows of Marc. The stare at his girlfriend and the group was followed to a Parking lot. The video recordings of the Disco do not confirm the. “The perpetrator belittles his act and tries to be the victim of blame by daring to Vorverhalten”, criticized the court system-lawyers, Nicolas early Sorger and Wolfgang stingl Wagner.

Whether it’s in the woman, the Marc S. mentioned to the girlfriend of the offender, Murat P., is not yet clarified. Until the court has evaluated the Video-recordings in full, is exposed to the process now.

see also: Munich Nobel-P1 Club must pay wife 10,000 euros – you limps, three years later, still