talkers or doers? Anyone who wants to implement his good intentions to do more Sport, in fact, is in the Murnauer Fitness-Stadl exactly right. In the rustic atmosphere of well-being health and Fitness is here to be a pleasure. So it is easy to move from words to deeds.

“For a fresh start each day the right day – it takes just the first step!” promises Alexander Boldt, who founded the Fitness Studio “Fitness-Stadl” in Murnau six years ago. The first step is made easy here. “We are not trained, anonymous and it is not a question of who has the biggest biceps. The Fitness-Stadl Murnau is like a big family. As you know, since you help, because you have fun together on the Training.“

Fitness-Stadl Murnau also provides rehabilitation sports

in addition to the high-quality modern equipment for strength and endurance training, the qualified fitness trainer around the Studio Manager Ralf Luckhardt for the best results, and the joy of movement. the As a trained sports physiotherapist with the health aspect of physical Fitness is particularly important to him . “Today it is no longer just to recover lost Kilos, and a good figure. Targeted Training that builds muscles and strengthens bones! This helps us to be up to the age of mobile and active.“ explained the 33-year-old, offering not only medical Fitness Training, but also rehab exercises . “This deal makes us so versatile. Many come because the doctor sent you and you stay because you remember how good the Training is doing, how well the body feels and how the performance comes back. Well, and fun makes Training with us, after all!“

More information on the Fitness-Stadl

With skis on the treadmill in the Fitness-Stadl Murnau

sports performance in Fitness-Stadl do Murnau nothing to do with hard strength training to show the little Videos, the Alexander Boldt and Ralf Luckhardt on the topic of Fitness and Motivation at regular intervals to rotate by itself and on the Facebook post. Since the boss is struggling with a head lamp and skis on the treadmill. In the Fitness-Stadl Murnau may not be sweating, but also laughed heartily. the This friendly atmosphere ensures that it is easy to show the bastard the red card and the intentions to actually implement .

skilled, Professional support to the Team of Fitness-Stadl Murnau with Personal Training, professional body analysis and scientifically-sound nutrition advice . “All the Training, if you pull out later in the cravings for greasy French fries in them”, laughs Alexander Boldt. “Protein Shakes for example, according to the sports support the muscles and give the body what it needs now really. These are small tips that make a big difference“.

The Fitness-Stadl Murnau also offers EMS Training: a Training of the deep muscles, either for metabolic or strength training. It performs once a week in only 20 minutes to success:

20 minutes of EMS Training – quickly

Fitness-Stadl Murnau: Ladies ‘ and child-care for total well-being training

The big difference is the Fitness-Stadl Murnau with his offer of a ladies ‘ range for strength Training and childcare, in which the Little ones feel safe, while the mom during the workout and in the Wellness area of the time can use for your own well-being. “We try to do everything possible to ensure that everyone feels here comfortable and fun and Training. the Physical Fitness gives us a great feeling, so much joy and energy to really be able to experience .“ stresses Ralf Luckhardt. The Fitness-Stadl Murnau makes it easy for the new year’s resolutions to implement really. From gossipers happy-maker.

impressions: the Fitness-Stadl Murnau