A 22-year-old holidaymaker from Brandenburg fell on the Watzmann 50 meters in depth. You survived. The rescue of a piece of mountain rescue history wrote.

Ramsau – Zero visibility, the rescue helicopter has no Chance, the scene of the accident to fly. The mountain rescue has to step in to foot. On Saturday morning a 22-year-old brand citizen at the Watzmann is Exceeded, fell 50 meters in depth.

you remained seriously injured in a debris field. But, as if by a miracle you stayed alive. Two mountain climbers who witnessed the accident lowered to the accident site and provided First aid. At the same time, the rescue chain was set in motion.

However, a dark cloud is always lower on the mountain. The helicopter had no Chance, the scene of the accident directly to fly. The mountain moved wakes up to walk to the crash site.

The salvage operation proved to be extremely time-consuming. The young woman had to in the steep, exposed terrain with a Stretcher and a rope Elevator to be recovered.

Watzmann: woman plunges 50 metres – mountain rescue saves 12 hours

“With this rescue, we have written history,” says the head later. At the twelve hours of very extensive use, among other things, 37 men and women of the mountain in Ramsau, Berchtesgaden and marktschellenberg and four helicopters woke up involved.

also read: Worse accident on the A8: Minivan with three children overturns – two people die

The message of the CRPD and the Berchtesgadener Land in full length: A 22-year-old tourist from Germany has survived on Saturday morning shortly after 8 o’clock on the Watzmann crossing between Hocheck and the middle peak around 50 meters deep, crash through a stepped terrain to a snow field.

+ An image from the application.©BRK Berchtesgadener Land

Three other climbers, two of them even mountain rescuers, lowered to the Casualty down and providing First aid. Dense fog across prevented about eight hours, and that the severely injured could be flown by Heli out, which is why a large number of the mountain rescue up the young woman lying on the ground with a slanted Elevator to the ridge and then the rope is insured by the terrain of transported suspended on the Hocheck in the direction of the Watzmann house, until finally, shortly after 16.30 PM, the police helicopter “Edelweiss 8” to accommodate the patient and the ambulance with the winch and after Kühroint was able to fly out.

shortly after 8 am, the first emergency call came, the crew of the Traunsteiner rescue helicopter “Christoph 14” the accident was not the first to find, as the Watzmann ridge was already in the fog and the cloud slowly sank. The crew then brought two of the Berchtesgaden mountain rescue with lots of equipment from snow Winkl to the ridge and put you below the steep upswing on the medium tip hovering over the blade. The Savior rose in the direction of the middle peak, in consultation with other mines, the accident increase is found, another try then very rapidly up to the snow field on the East side and cared for the young woman in emergency medical care. A direct approach to the accident location for the rapid evacuation of the seriously injured was because of the dense clouds is no longer possible.

Drama at the Watzmann: again and again, the helicopter is trying the approach, but the clouds are too close

The mountain woke up to Ramsau and Berchtesgaden laid while your Between landing sites from the valley of Ramsau and snow Winkl higher after Kühroint, wherein in the further course of both kerosene-trailer from Berchtesgaden and Traunstein there were brought. First, “Christoph 14” and after that, the crews, the police helicopter “Edelweiss 2” and “noble white 8” mounted in the Shuttle transport additional forces to the mountain woke up, Ramsau, Berchtesgaden and Marktschellenberg on the mountain and placed them as close as possible to the fog line, which sank further and further, almost to the Watzmann house down and despite several promising short-term gaps in each of the direct rescue of flight up to the patient prevented.

+ Until much further down could take a helicopter.©BRK Berchtesgadener Land

ambulance and of the Berchtesgaden paramedic only supplied 22-Year-old lying about 40 meters in altitude up, Wake up The mountain and the first responders and public buildings, and an inclined Elevator, and transported to the emergency medical by the Ramsau mountain rescue-up to the ridge. Rope is insured by the very exposed terrain, they brought the mountain rescuers then from 13.30 up to the Hocheck and from there, down in the direction of the Watzmann house – always in the hope that the fog lifts and a rescue flight is possible. The one with the Helis sold other rescuers went to meet the rescue party, the insured, the dangerous sections such as the highly increased and brought much needed additional equipment to the patient. “A survival of a necessary drug was flown by helicopter to the hospital in Berchtesgaden at the fog line, and then, so to speak, in the relay race of our people to patient brought,” says duty Manager Rudi Fendt.

Shortly after 14 o’clock, the Ramsauer head of operations had all available forces of the mountain woke up nachalarmieren Ramsau, Berchtesgaden and marktschellenberg, because the cloud Situation was better, and the seriously injured more ground had to be tied and removed.

Against 15 at the Tote with the woman at the Hocheck came-hut – in Kühroint also a transport helicopter of the Federal police was in the meantime with a Rescue hoist landed, the injured to the hospital should be brought. The crisis intervention service (KID) of the mountain rescue service took care of the affected companions, including the father and sister of the Downed, the Wake up with the mountain itself up to the Watzmann house descents.

Dramatic rescue of the Watzmann mountain: in The afternoon also Thunderstorm

Against 16.30 o’clock comes, as already on the Hagenbebirge a Thunderstorm rolled in, and it had started to rain, tore the fog so far, that “stainless 8 white” from his land on the Watzmann-house upgrades, the patient and one of the two mountain-rescue-paramedics with the winds and Kühroint was able to fly out.

on there, we went with the transport helicopter of the Federal police directly to the Neuro-clinic in Salzburg. “Noble white 8” flew back to the Watzmann house, and brought back from there in a Shuttle traffic the relegated forces and even the first abandoned equipment at the Central tip to Kühroint. Since the crew could not fly because of the weather home, brought you Rudi Fendt in a guest house in Ramsau. The elaborate deployment lasted until 20 clock, wherein in addition to the three Mountain systems in the inner district are also very well-trained first responders of the mountain Sulzbach-Rosenberg, the grass wakes up mad mountain rescue team-emergency doctor, a crisis consultant to the mountain rescue Altötting and the mountain rescue Traunstein with your kerosene-trailers were in use.

Fendt: “I’m waking up for decades at the mountain, but still blown away, because such a use of history, as all Participants are Incredible done and perfectly Hand-in-Hand together, so that the young woman survived, despite the extremely difficult conditions. We have done our utmost, and to wish you and your family the best of luck – it all would be for us the culmination, when in the long term, everything will turn out well!“

During the rescue of the Watzmann mountain: tourists get lost in the vicinity

Counter-13.50 PM during the large rescue operation, it needed a verse tiegener man on the Königssee lake, the East shore, watching the help of the mountain: “Edelweiss 2” brought from Kühroint from two of the Berchtesgaden mountain rescue to shore, the found the man, the crash dangerous terrain advances on one occasion only, and then descend to the lake shore led, where the BRK water rescue and picked up the uninjured and the two rescuers with the boat. During the rescue, two more people need to Wake up on the Eastern shore, the local knowledge of the mountain, because they could not find the trail.

kmm/BRK Berchtesgadener Land