This well-known Christmas film has been punctuating our end-of-year celebrations for twenty years. But certain elements of the feature film have aged poorly in 2023…

With the weather getting cooler and the end of the year approaching, we have entered the ideal period for curling up under a blanket in front of Christmas films. While some prefer TV films from TF1 or M6 and others Christmas feature films, some moviegoers will prefer to immerse themselves in some old films that have become cult.

This is the case of Love Actually, which also celebrated its 20th anniversary on December 3. This romantic comedy from Richard Curtis (Love at First Sight in Notting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral) follows a cast of characters who are all looking for their soul mate, just before the end of year holidays.

If Love Actually remains a timeless holiday staple, it has nevertheless taken on a few wrinkles in 20 years. Watching it again, certain situations make one cringe today. The Prime Minister’s secretary, Natalie, is often mocked for her weight. Among the derogatory remarks directed at this character are her father calling her “plump”, or one of her colleagues talking about her “enormous thighs”. Even the character of the British Prime Minister, played by Hugh Grant, blurts out when she jumps into his arms: “My God, you weigh one of those weights.”

Director Richard Curtis recently realized this and made his mea culpa, during a literature festival in Cheltenham: “These jokes are no longer funny today. I wasn’t malicious at the time, but I think I didn’t observe enough and I wasn’t as intelligent as I should have been.”

Another scene from Love Actually is regularly controversial: the one where Mark, played by Andrew Lincoln, declares his love with signs to his best friend’s wife. “I felt like I was creepy,” The Walking Dead actor said. The director today admits to being “aware that the role played by Andrew is on the verge of harassment. But fortunately, thanks to his sincere and candid performance, we find him more touching than mean.”

Nevertheless, Love Actually remains essential during this end-of-year period. This British film has charmed audiences around the world with its humor and unfailing romanticism. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the feature film is available on MyCanal for rental or purchase on most VOD platforms.