After receiving the Oscar for best direction for Nomadland, Chloé Zhao directed the Marvel film “The Eternals”. A great total gap for the filmmaker whom we met during her visit to Paris.
2021 is definitely the year of Chloé Zhao. After receiving the consecration of her peers by winning the Oscar for best direction for Nomadland in March, the Chinese-American filmmaker presents the latest Marvel film, The Eternals. In theaters on November 3, 2021, this action blockbuster seems to be a departure from the director’s filmography, more accustomed to the more confidential films of American auteur cinema.
But as a big fan of the MCU, Chloe Zhao could not refuse the proposal made by Kevin Feige, the president of the studios. By hiring a director of this ilk, viewers are promised a very different proposition from other studio productions. We met the director of The Eternals during her visit to Paris at the beginning of November, to discuss the genesis of this feature film, her vision and the lessons she was able to learn from the Marvel machine. Interview.
As a fan of the MCU, you have never hidden your joy in directing a Marvel film. What appeals to you about Marvel productions?
I love the feeling, as a viewer, of being part of a huge story, of a big family, and that every month or every year, we meet and fall in love with new characters, while learning about them more about the old ones we love. People love to talk about Marvel as big action movies, but to me those movies are more character-driven, and I love them. Especially Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.
What was the vision you wanted to convey to the public when you started working on The Eternals?
I wanted “The Eternals” to be a very immersive experience for viewers.
The Eternals takes place over several years, in several places in the world, there are a dozen characters to introduce, many settings… What was the most difficult to finalize on the set?
There are a lot of things… First it taught me to be patient: everything takes longer to fall into place, like when trying to change objectives on a full CGI shot of the Deviants . Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen in a snap, and when it does, it’s very satisfying. Another difficulty was the fact that we had these great characters in great scenes, but choices had to be made and some had to be cut in the edit. This is particularly the case of very beautiful scenes with Sprite and Makkari. That was hard.
What did you learn working on the Eternals?
First, as I told you, being patient. If we talk about skills, also working with special effects, which I love. I learned techniques for action scenes too… But above all, I learned how to lead such a large team. I was already leading my teams on my previous films, but it was amplified on this one: I had to learn how to lead my team with love and caring (laughs). I try to channel the Sersi [one of the Eternals characters, editor’s note] that is in me: “lead with love”.
And from a personal point of view?
Politically, there are several themes in The Eternals that every viewer can pick up on. For me, it’s a political act to show such a heterogeneous group of characters, who come from different backgrounds, who are different physically, who speak differently, who love differently… and that they are, despite everything, a family. I think it’s a political act to put those differences aside and say, “We’re human first.” Also, what I wanted to say about the ecological message… (thinks) If humans are the most important in the universe, if our survival is more important than that of wolves, or the rainforest, or even that of our planet, then we have to do much better than what we are doing now.
Who is the Eternal you most identify with?
I try not to answer these kinds of questions, because I feel like I have to choose between my children. But I think there’s a bit of Thena (Angelina Jolie) in me, a bit of Makkari (Lauren Ridloff) too and Ikaris (Richard Madden). A little of each. I wish I was more like Sersi (Gemma Chan), but she’s so perfect, it’s very hard to be like her.
Did you find it difficult to match your directing and storytelling style to Marvel’s specifications?
It’s less difficult than terrifying at times. When you’re in the middle of nowhere, with ten actors including some of the biggest stars in the world, and you have 700 people waiting, and you’re asking everyone to wait for hours without doing anything to finalize the last hour and a half of filming… You better make it look good, you have to be up to it. But I was lucky, the weather god was on my side, so we made it. And towards the end of filming, when it happened again, there was less worry on the faces of the crew (laughs). We were more reassured.
At the end of the film, it is specified that “The Eternals” will be back. Will you be with them?
I love every single person I’ve worked with at Marvel, so if the story is good, I’ll do it again without hesitation. Now, “The Eternals” belongs more to the public than to me, so we’ll wait to see how the film is received, and we’ll see what happens next.