The series follows Natashalyonne as Nadia, who relives her birthday every day while dying in different scenarios. Nadia meets Charlie Barnett, who is also stuck in a loop and can’t get out.

The Orange is the New Black alumni, Russian doll was never meant to be a simple story with an existential twist.

Lyonne stated that she wanted one person to feel less alone, and that they could feel like they were OK. “In the 1960s, people would drop like flies at 27. You thought it was a drug problem. But, as we move forward, we realize that many people find life too difficult. This is a real problem that we must get rid of the shame.

The co-creator stated that she wanted to establish a dialogue in which people could discuss the “underlying brokenness” of human experience.

She continued, “There is so many incessant crazy things happening that are so unjust in news that it is impossible to reconcile. It makes you feel very selfish for trying to have goals when the world is falling apart every day.” This whole conversation needs to be open for everyone to discuss. It’s amazing to think about the fact that we all are watching Russian Doll.

Although Russian Doll successfully wrapped up its main storyline, the creative team, which included Lyonne, Amy Poehler, and Leslye Heland, previously revealed a three season plan.

Headland spoke out about how Nadia was always intended to be the driving force behind Russian Doll’s season 2 renewal. Nadia was present in all three seasons of the original pitch. It was not in a very traditional way, if it makes sense,” the screenwriter told The Hollywood Reporter February 2019. She was always there, because Lyonne was the heart and soul of the show. She would always be there, no matter if she was being haunted by the story or haunting it.

The Release Date

Russian Doll returns for its second season on Wednesday, April 20, 2019. Season 2 will have 8 episodes.

The Cast

Season 2 will see Lyonne, Barnett and Greta Le as well as Rebecca Henderson return. Viewers expect Chloe Sevigny to return as Nadia’s mother, Lenora Vaulkov.

Also confirmed were Annie Murphy and Carolyn Michelle Smith.

Sneak Peek

Netflix released a sneak peek at the new season in March. Nadia falls asleep on the subway, and is taken on a trippy train ride. Nadia is taken to a strange place by the train car, including a graveyard.

Before taking a shot at ending the teaser, she said that “When the universe f—-ks with you,”