In the columns of Paris Match, the eldest son of Alain Delon returns to the handrail filed against his sister Anouchka Delon last November.

Six months after filing a complaint against their father’s lady-in-waiting for moral harassment, misappropriation of correspondence, animal abuse, willful violence, kidnapping and abuse of weakness, Alain Delon’s children, who seemed to want to stand together at the dawn of the Hiromi Rollin affair, no longer appear quite on the same wavelength. This is evidenced by the hand of Anthony Delon, the eldest son of the sacred monster of cinema, against his sister Anouchka Delon, filed on November 7, 2023, four months after the start of the case.

In an exclusive interview granted this January 3, 2024 to Paris Match, Anthony Delon discusses this decision. Saying he was more than worried about his father’s state of health, he blamed Anouchka Delon for not having kept either of his two brothers informed of their father’s “cognitive deterioration”. “Between 2019 and 2022, my father [was] subjected to five cognitive tests during his visits to the clinic in Switzerland. He did not pass any of them,” he reveals, before pointing out the “weak position psychological and therefore of vulnerability” in which Alain Delon found himself. Vulnerability which the star’s children believe that Hiromi Rollin was able to take advantage of. Living in Switzerland and working there, Anouchka Delon was the contact person at the clinic, with Hiromi Rollin who accompanied the actor.

Believing that Anouchka Delon hid these results “for personal interests that [he] doesn’t care about today”, Anthony Delon reproaches his sister for having “clearly endangered” their father and being “indirectly complicit in all the abuse and violence of which he was the victim. According to him, she would have, for her part, denied being aware of only one or two tests in 2019 and 2020, justifying herself for having, at the time, been more concerned about her pregnancy. His son was born February 2020, recalls Paris Match. But that doesn’t matter for Anthony Delon: “I put down this handrail to leave a mark, and also because a person who is capable of manipulating his family and lying to them as she did is capable of of all.”