I press Send. The way it is, the invitation to my birthday. A cosy get Together with wine, good food and music. Two days later I get the first feedback. To cook whether it would be possible to make something gluten-free? Shortly thereafter, another commitment under the Title. Tina can come but to ask a lactose-free dish. Great, I think. Off to a good start. Then there is a chicken Curry.

When shopping, it all ends up in my cart. Also the chicken. So far, So good. Just before my day of my favorite talks to colleague me: you eat no animal products, I could simply replace the chicken by smoked Tofu. On the question of what the hell is smoked Tofu, looks at me, frowning. But I mean the question quite seriously. As you abwinkt and says, you bring yourself something bursting me by the collar.

My day, my dinner, my idea – nothing more of them is mine. Who was once considered normal, is now an outsider. Like a murderer I feel when I buy sausage at the counter. Caught in the act, I feel, if I have pasta with cream sauce to order. How has it come so far? Suddenly I’m the Problem: a woman in Hamburg with a penchant for cheese of all kinds.

food is If the the worst enemies

Tina gets of lactose impure skin. My colleague, the animal rights activist of today to tomorrow par excellence. In the case of abdominal pain, Lotta says: “You know, I’m allergic.” None of them comes up with the idea, the rest of his consumer behavior. None of them is bad, not to mention his stupid diet at every opportunity.

lactose, fructose, Gluten, food intolerance – you have to, really.

know I have to let time wash over me As my colleague points also compassionate to my reckless behavior towards animals, is closing! Angry, I stand next to her. Angry I clap cheese, and sausage on my bread. Angry I chew on my noodles. Gluten or not. And angry fag me milk in my coffee. Yes, Cow’s Milk. I’m going to get my food from anyone, make a mess of. And even less I’m going to justify myself for it.

I have no desire to have a guilty Conscience

All my money I want to spend for a juicy Burger. Best with extra cheese. I would like that my colleague was her millet porridge at the sight of the dripping meatball stuck in the throat. I want Lotta stomach ache gets each of my bites in the labberige wheat bun. And I want Tina pimples start to sprout, alone at the thought of the cheese.

In my head is a jumble of swirls of intolerance, dogmas and food trends. The supermarkets are overflowing with Meat substitutes and gluten-free pasta. Each water vegan, every loaf of bread is lactose free now. Food bloggers Bahis Siteleri are nutritionists, seal the new status symbol. And I? I’m standing there, between the pale, vegan cheese slices, and only one can think of: are you Crazy?

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one or The other of you may think I’m completely selfish. But to me the Welfare of the animals at heart. I, too, consider sustainability and the environment as important issues. And clearly, also I want to eat healthily, to fit me feel. But there is one thing that I want this just as much: My plate the my. My food, without, that someone is looking at me like I was a monster. I don’t want to not have to question my diet at once, just because it fits in the “healthy” concept. And I would like to can openly proclaim that for me, a life without cheese is unthinkable.

More than half of the intolerance only a

a Few may actually have an intolerance. Sure to get really a stomach ache. But let’s be honest: The Rest are just silly poseur. According to a survey 23 percent of Germans do without certain foods that you cannot tolerate, according to his own statement. In truth, only 15 percent are seriously lactose intolerant. In the case of celiac disease, an autoimmune disease, a gluten intolerance is present, it is not even a percent. That Lotta has an Allergy, I doubt very much – and you should be happy.

Everyone now has a fixed opinion on the subject of nutrition. Is convinced, to know exactly what to eat and what not. The right diet as the only Correct one to display. More and more of my friends belong to a food Community, are subject to the strict rules of the diet. Right, I have to give the media when they talk of a kind of substitute religion. I would go even a step further: diet dogma limits not only of a Religion. No, for me you have already somewhat of a cult. And I don’t want to get converted.

The new pleasure of eating this is Why it is so important to us, as we feed

have invited us here today, I used to love to friends to eat. Today a stone from the heart of me if only my parents. In my Yoga class, talks to Clean-Eating, food intolerances and new Superfoods are turning. With a good feeling, we place the labelled products on the cash register tape, buy vegan fashion. With Labels and dogmas characteristic of my surroundings, of your Status, Who did not know, what is Matcha, has lost.

self-optimization, something Special I would have to be described to be

If with one word I can think of to pay tribute to this questionable way of life, I always end up going back to the Arrogance. Yes, I would call it, is almost arrogant, with what self-complacency, my environment is omitted. On Bread, Meat, Cheese. With what satisfaction you can answer the question of whether you do not suffer deficiency symptoms. Proud of you all. Lotta, Tina, my colleague. Proud of the environment to be delimited. But nobody notices because of you, that you already for a long time nothing Special anymore? If someone feels attacked: Eat what you want. Just the other goes to the nerves.

So we sit in the end on my birthday. At a table with gluten-free Pasta, lactose-free, sauce, and vegan scattering of cheese. Anything that can save the mood now is good wine. But not for my colleague. Because, who would have thought: the wine that I bought, is not vegan. With a deep sigh I decide to let my birthday not spoil. Only one I can’t resist me: you can all suck it! In the future, I eat alone.

Interview Food Trends to 2018 is Why Breakfast hip – and Millennials and the food industry make you crazy

Hanni Rützler is concerned with our diet and especially with the change in our Eating habits. The Millennials play a large role. What we will have in the coming years on the dish, the nutrition researcher.

By Denise Snieguole Wachter gho