the Following situations are known to almost every Taxi or Uber-host. You sit in the car and has a long drive ahead of you, you should talk with the driver, or the silent treatment?

Awkward silence, and in the worst case, for a long time. So many Taxi or Uber trips. To admire all the time on his cell phone staring, and the landscape or is it a desperate call attempt with the driver’s company?

Uber driver call menu

A way out of an Uber found drivers in Alaska. He offers his passengers a conversation menu, and that is simply to cry for. Out of all eight topics of conversation can choose its guests, and there is definitely something for everyone. A picture of it circulating on Reddit and amuses the reader.

The Road Rage Ride: I’m complaining about all the other drivers, their cars and why they are nothing on the road have lost. the The Analyst Ride: You have to Worry about? I hear you and maybe I can help you to see things more clearly. (No warranty) The Informative Ride: I’ll tell you all about Alaska, what do I know and why are you not here long enough to see everything. the The Restaurant Ride: I’m talking about the different Restaurants to help you, the most suitable for you pick out. Sometimes I also give tips on what waitress want you to ask. the The Simon and Garfunkel Ride: the Sounds of Silence. the The Life’s Lessons Ride: I will share with you my most emotional hours of life. Take it or leave it. the The Politcial Ride: a joke. You have your views, I mean. I can’t change your mind and you don’t mean. the The ME Ride: I’ll tell you everything about me.

also read: know The true meaning of the Toyota logo, only a few.

the driver is a Veteran and needs to improve on his retirement

And who wants to have a photo of him, for he has> also . The Uber driver has also made a photography course. Alone, the driver has a trip to Alaska would be worth it.

The woman who has shared the image, has now also reveal more about the man. the He was a Vietnam Veteran, and financed with About his retirement . Also a tip for a good story, the woman of Europe. You should ask the driver about his monkey Story.

Also interesting: DHL is asking customers to “photo of the year” – is it belonging to the back.


really sharp driver in the world