This optical illusion challenges your observation skills. Can you find the three hidden numbers in less than 10 seconds?

Want to play and test your vision and observation skills? Here is a new hypnotizing optical illusion that is sure to make more than one player doubt! This image, composed of a black and white checkerboard, appears to distort in certain places, creating a captivating visual effect. But that’s not all: hidden in this drawing, three figures wait to be discovered by the most observant.

This game, offered by the Jagran Josh site, has already confused many players. The illusion doesn’t just test your visual acuity; it also requires your skills in deciphering and speed. Indeed, to take on this challenge, you are invited to time yourself. This is a way to best assess your ability to spot these numbers. Your mission is seemingly simple: find the three numbers hidden in the image in less than ten seconds. Those who succeed in quickly identifying numbers prove that they have particularly keen perception. You are ready ? Here is the image in question and in large format.

Need a little help to make sure you find the right answer? The best method for success is simple, but requires careful attention. The most experienced players know that you have to scrutinize the image methodically, letting your gaze slide over each detail of the checkerboard, in the hope of seeing the hidden numbers appear. Good news, this little game is in fact a real observation exercise, which can be used for example in ophthalmology or for IQ tests. According to experts, those who can distinguish numbers quickly demonstrate superior mental skills, particularly in the way their brain interprets images and solves puzzles.

This optical illusion is therefore not just simple entertainment, it is also a good exercise for the brain, stimulating the speed of perception and the ability to recognize complex shapes in a confusing visual test for our eyes and our brain. So, are you ready to see the answer? Here is the image again with the numbers that needed to be found.

8, 5 and 3 was indeed the magic combination on this optical illusion. Did you find it in less than 10 seconds? Well done ! You are one of the few people capable of doing this.

If this is not the case, know that a little training on this type of game can allow you to progress very quickly. In the meantime, you can challenge your friends or share your performance with the red button below.