Everything is sold, everything is bought, even things that seem priceless… These professionals nevertheless defend know-how and offer the ideal nap.

Sleeping at your desk feels bad… And yet, according to a NASA study, a nap of around twenty minutes improves work performance by 34% and overall alertness by 54%! Regardless of its form – as long as you respect certain rules – the break in general and the sleep break in particular have many advantages for humans. Including if it’s only for around ten minutes. However, the challenge sometimes lies in finding a place conducive to this restorative break, particularly in the professional context where spaces dedicated to relaxation are often rare.

Napping actually has many benefits, including (especially) during a work day. Among the many benefits proven by science, naps increase the performance and alertness of employees, but also reduce their stress and the risk of work accidents. Finally, its layout is a strong sign of commitment to quality of life at work (QVT).

Aware of the benefits of a nap for its employees, some companies have decided to set up, within their offices, rooms specially designed for a relaxing break. But in France, where sleep can be associated with laziness and is not culturally viewed very favorably at work, these spaces still remain very rare.

To remedy this lack of nap time and offer workers a well-deserved break, some people came up with the idea… of a nap bar. The principle is simple: you pay to sleep. For Parisian workers looking for a nap sanctuary, the Zen Bar was created in 2011, nestled at 29 Passage Choiseul in the 2nd arrondissement, which offers an escape and an invigorating break.

A bar of the same type also opened in the fall of 2023 in Aurillac, in Cantal. In both establishments, taking a nap is paid for. Quite expensive even. The price ? Expect to pay from 12 euros for 15 minutes of “micro nap” to 17 euros for 45 minutes of “royal nap”, the longest offered. All depending on the formula chosen, in one of three spaces: from the memory foam bed to the “weightless armchair” with integrated massage adapted to your body shape. For an even more immersive experience, the bar also offers the shiatsu bed, which promises to soothe your back with hot stones.