A Japanese therapist says it’s possible to achieve your dream body with just 1 minute of this daily exercise.

Lack of time is often a common excuse for avoiding exercise. We are therefore constantly looking for methods that minimize training time while still being effective. And in this incessant quest for quick and effective exercises, a new method has appeared, recommended by Kyoko Imamura, therapist and director of an osteopathic clinic in Japan.

She assures that by practicing this exercise for 1 minute a day, we can lose weight, burn fat and sculpt the body of our dreams. The process is detailed in a book which will be published at the end of October 2023 first in Spain, a guide to simple exercises to carry out every day. As for its effectiveness, it has not yet been proven, but it is already enjoying great success in Japan due to its simplicity. It focuses exclusively on stretching specific muscles that increase the “fat-burning” activity of the mitochondria, leading to visible results.

According to the Japanese, from the age of thirty, the metabolism changes and, despite all the diets and exercises we do, it becomes very difficult to lose weight. His method is based on the theory that by stretching muscles we activate mitochondria, which are responsible for burning body fat. According to Imamura, when mitochondria are depleted, the body’s ability to burn fat decreases, leading to its accumulation. By stimulating specific muscles, which have a fat burning capacity 30 times greater than that of superficial muscles, weight loss potential is increased.

The method recommends targeting the deep muscle of the abdomen, the adductors of the inner thighs, the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles of the back of the thighs, the soleus muscle, as well as the rhomboid muscles of the shoulder blades or the transversus abdominis. The book states that these stretches can increase muscle activity by more than 700% when walking (on the thighs and buttocks), 670% when standing, or even more than 250% while sitting and consulting your body. phone.

Ultimately, the benefits result in a flat stomach, a slimmer waist, toned buttocks, thinner thighs and calves, weight loss, reduction in body fat, improved posture, reduction in pain. body and a reduction in appetite.

Like any other method of weight loss, this must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet. It is also essential to understand that although the 1-minute Imamura exercise does not replace other, more comprehensive exercises, it does offer a quick alternative for those who are short on time. However, those who wish to purchase the book and try this method should also consult a health or sports professional to ensure it is suitable for their specific needs.